Page 1 Band Edge Electroluminescence from N + -Implanted Bulk ZnO Hung-Ta Wang 1, Fan Ren 1, Byoung S. Kang 1, Jau-Jiun Chen 1, Travis Anderson 1, Soohwan.


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Presentation transcript:

Page 1 Band Edge Electroluminescence from N + -Implanted Bulk ZnO Hung-Ta Wang 1, Fan Ren 1, Byoung S. Kang 1, Jau-Jiun Chen 1, Travis Anderson 1, Soohwan Jang 1, Hyun-Sik Kim 2, Yuanjie Li 2, David Norton 2, and Stephen Pearton 2 1. Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA Session DD: P-Type Doping and Electroluminescence in ZnO June 30, 2006

Page 2 Outline Background review Simulation Device fabrication Experimental results Conclusions Acknowledgements

Page 3 Advantages of ZnO as Light Emitting Material Unique properties of ZnO Wurtzite (Hexagonal) structure II-VI compound semiconductor Zn and O at 4f-site Direct wide bandgap = 3.37eV Transparent conducting oxide Binding energy of exciton (300K)= 60 meV c a Oxygen Zinc ZnO light emitting diode Higher exciton binding energy Availability of high quality bulk substrate Easier wet etching Simpler growth technology (low cost)

Page 4 p-i-n LED Using Temperature Modulated Epitaxy [A. Tsukazaki et al.] 1. Nature Material, 4, 42 (2005). 2. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Part 2 21, L643 (2005).

Page 5 p-n LED Using MOCVD [W. Z. Xu et al.] Appl. Phys. Lett., 88, (2006).

Page 6 p-n LED Using Sputtering [Jae-Hong Lim et al.] Advance Material, 2006.

Page 7 MIS diode Using Ion implantation [Ya. I. Alivov et al.] Solid State Electronics, 48, 2343 (2004). EL CL

Page 8 ZnO LED by Ion Implantation Opportunities: Well developed technology High yield rate, low cost technology p-type ZnO film is achievable using ion implantation Ion implantation to bulk ZnO? Challenges: How to activate implanted dopant in damaged ZnO???

Page 9 Depth Profile Modeling Simulator: Profile Code (

Page 10 Collision Event Modeling Simulator: SRIM-2003 (Free! -3 ) Zn vacancies 6.0×10 21 O vacancies 3.6 × total vacancies 9.6 × replacement5.2 × 10 20

Page 11 Device Fabrication ZnO substrate N + implanted ZnO (300nm) Au (80nm) Ni (20nm) Au (200nm) Ti (20nm) Cermet: (0001) undoped, I grade n 0 =10 17 cm -3 ; μ e =190 cm 2 /V·s Proc. of SPIE, Vol.5941, 59410D-1(2005) Implantation dose 1: 10keV, 2×10 13 cm -2 dose 2: 30keV, 5×10 13 cm -2 dose 3: 65keV, 9×10 13 cm -2 dose 4: 140keV, 2.4×10 14 cm -2 Thermal activation (RTA, furnace; T=600~1000°C) Backside metal: Ti/Au(20/200nm) Front-side metal: Ni/Au(20/80nm)

Page 12 I-V of Metal Contacts

Page 13 Diode I-V Characteristics Leakage current~ V Ideality factor~11

Page 14 Light Intensity Performance Devices 600C RTA 800C RTA 950C RTA P at 100mA (Lumen) 3.57× ×

Page 15 Electroluminescence at Room Temp.

Page 16 Electroluminescence at 120K

Page 17 Conclusions MIS diode was achieved by N +_ implanted ZnO bulk. Yellow EL was obtained from N + -implanted ZnO at room T. Band-edge EL was obtained at 120K. Future work: 1. p-type conductivity. 2. pn LED.

Page 18 Acknowledgements This work at UF is supported by: DOE Grant No. DE-FC26-04NT DOE Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR USAFOSR under Grant No. F Thank you very much!

Page 19 Properties of GaN and ZnO PropertyGaNZnO Crystal structureWurtziteZinc BlendeWurtzite Lattice constant (nm) a 0 : c 0 : a 0 /c 0 : Density (g/cm 3 ) Thermal conductivity (W cm -1 °C -1 )>2.10.6, Linear expansion coefficient (°C -1 ) a 0 : c 0 : 5.59× × × ×10 -6 Energy bandgap (eV)3.51, direct3.3, direct3.4, direct Exciton binding energy (meV)28-60 Electron effective mass Electron Hall mobility at 300K (cm 2 ⋅ V -1 ⋅ s -1 ) 0.2 ~1000 ~ Hole effective mass Hole Hall mobility 0.8 ≤ 200 ≤ ~50 Electron saturation velocity(10 7 cm ⋅ s -1 )