The Landlady By Roald Dahl Izzy&Maisie&Amy&Shannon
Setting The story/programme is set in Bath, It is quite old fashioned and set around the 1950’s. The B&B was on a wide street with no shops only tall houses which looked the same. There were also four – five steps up to the front door of the houses. Inside the B&B there were green velvet curtains, a fire place, baby – grand piano, a big sofa, several plump armchairs and a parrot in its cage and a small dog lying on a carpet – This house seems like a comfy, and homely place to be when you are away from family.
Language Using the words “evening” and “moon” in the same sentence creates a connotation of spookiness of darkness. “Wind was like a flat blade of ice” – This is a simile. It adds to the sinister, atmosphere. It is trying to make you think that something is going to happen. “Each word was like a large black eye staring at him” – This is also a simile. Using the word “like” signs an effect of how he cant look away.
Key Quotes “We have it all to ourselves,” – This adds tension and it is an example of foreshadowing.It makes you wonder what is going to happen next and when is it going to happen?! “No my dear, Only you” – This is a type of structure that adds tension and makes the sentence more exciting and stand out. The, “Only you” part has maximum impact and emphasis' so it stands out the best. It makes you think that she is creepy and that she has a secret and hiding something.
Word Choice “He walked briskly down the street” -Briskly instead of he just walked. Briskly is giving the effect that he was taking his time walking down the street and it is almost likehe is “floating” down the streets. “That the handsome white facades were cracked and blotchy from neglect.” -Facades instead of front of the building. The B&B looks nice on the outside but might have a mystery behind it because the woman opened the door really really quickly.