Men are better at mathematics than women. False! There is always a best way to do a mathematics problem. False! It’s always important to get the answer exactly right. False! Mathematicians do problems quickly in their heads. False! Many people can’t do mathematics because they don’t have a “math mind”. False! More than 33% of the students enrolled in an Algebra course drop or fail. True!
Go to class!
Go to class everyday! LinkLink Be attentive and free from distraction Link (near the instructor, phone away). Link Take notes in outline form (space to supplement later, carefully copy examples). Review notes weekly.
Plan for entire semester. Make a weekly schedule. Follow a schedule, adjust if necessary. Study for an hour at a time. Study for your most difficult subjects at a time of day when you are most alert. Don’t study when you are hungry or tired. Maintain discipline.
Free from Distractions Tutor Availability (Math Learning Center, Kent Library, Towers Learning Lab) Adequate Lighting Comfortable Temperature
Always have a writing tool in hand. Skim section of text Make use of chapter and section summaries. Take notes; fill in notes from brief lecture. Follow examples. Look at example problem (copy problem on another piece of paper, try to work it yourself) Read text before class to preview material.
Review and rewrite your lecture notes. Keep examples in front of you. Check answers and rework incorrect items Highlight items to ask instructor to clarify. Study and learn responsibly. Read next day’s sections as preview.
Should only involve reviewing material. Make a list of topics covered. Prepare a review sheet for each topic including procedures, formulas, definitions. Cover the sheet and recite. Think of possible test questions. Work Chapter Review (then work Chapter Test treating it like a test) Start at least two days before exam. Attend review sessions.
If you are well prepared, you will feel confident and often won’t “go blank”. Be sure you are well rested and not hungry Arrive on time to take the test with pencils, calculator, etc. Write memorized formulas on the test as soon as you arrive. Survey the test and read directions carefully. Build confidence, answer easy items first, then attempt more difficult items Show your work, even on items you are unsure of. Check for obvious mistakes.
Test anxiety (panic, loss of control, nervousness, helplessness, distress) is caused by one or more factors(lack of self- confidence, pressure to perform to please family or peers, memories of previous failures, insufficient preparation, fear of failure, perfectionism, and negative attitudes caused by bad previous experiences). Test Anxiety is not abnormal but is a learned behavior that can be controlled or eliminated.
Prepare for the test to avoid anxiety! Put down your pencil, close your eyes, take deep breaths. Stretch! Try to visualize where the information was in your text, notes, homework, review sheet Go to another question and come back to problem Go over a problem you just completed and check it. Use positive self-talk. Bring peppermint candy!
Find a responsible, reliable study partner. Be sure to ask questions in class. Make an appointment to speak to instructor. Math Learning Center, Johnson Hall 112 (one tutor available to share). Tutorial Services, University Center 302 (dedicated tutor). View Math Videos that go with textbook Get a tutor but learn to be self-reliant learner.
Best wishes for a successful mathematics course!