NBWA Projects Update November,2009 I Ongoing Projects-Progress II New- Adapting to Climate Change: “State of the Science” for North Bay Watersheds III Other Updates/ Accomplishments
Ongoing 1) High School Pollution Prevention Pilot program 2) Laterals-Marin WWT managers 3) Fish Monitoring-CEMAR 4) Performance Measures/ Indicators-SFEI, SEC, TBI 5) Water Conservation- SCWA 6) Fact Sheet-TBI, SEC
High School Pollution Prevention Pilot Expansion *Original proposal in budget -$10k for Napa $3,126 spent(Napa-$1,987,CMSA-$1,139) *Expansion put in budget - $10k for Marin, Napa, and Sonoma County NBWA Board Briefing - July 10, Sonoma and Marin have dropped out Napa– awaiting SOW –estimate- $3005 *Lessons Learned ??
Laterals-Marin WWT managers *Original approval of $12.5 k NBWA funds in budget as 10% of $125 K –Remainder- Marin WWT managers group – Contracts signed March 2008 Larson -$20k, Rauch- $70k *NBWA Board Briefing - September 11, On NBWA web site *Contract Amendments- October 2009 Larson-+15,134, Rauch-+$46,730 Extension to February 28, 2010
Fish Monitoring-CEMAR *Originally in budget--$50k for Watershed awareness *CEMAR proposal approved by Board in December 2007 for $35k Contract signed –March 2008 Scoping document –November 2008 NBWA Board briefing – January 2009 Contract extension –Sep. 09( to June 2010) Waiting for Draft Report (spent ~ $23k) NBWA Board Briefing- December 2009
Performance Measures/ Indicators Approved by Board in May 2008-$43k –Lead-SFEI, with SEC, TBI -Contract signed with SFEI in November st workgroup meeting-December 2008 NBWA Board briefing-April 2009 Habitat /Floodplain Updates Watershed Council June 25- approach October 7-Draft Report Final report- November 2009
Water Conservation Approved by NBWA Board in May 2008 –$25k-SCWA lead Contract signed January 2009 June 3, 2009-Progress presented at Integrated Water Resources Technical Committee Meeting
Fact Sheet *Approved by NBWA Board in May 2008 Lead-TBI, SEC -$12.5 k *SOW developed at Habitat/Floodplain meetings- May 18 and August 11,2008, January 6, 2009, February 24 (approved) Contract signed May 2009 Progress reviewed at Habitat/Floodplain meetings- May 26, June 30, Sep. 28, Draft-??
Other Updates/ Accomplishments “Signs” Project STRAW Project Video-”Saving the Bay” SW and WWT Workshop Policy EPA-SFEP Funding?
Completed Projects “Signs” Project - $15k – ($5k to Marin Napa, Sonoma) Update at October 7, Watershed Council meeting- $ leveraged, some press coverage STRAW Project-Students and Teachers Restoring A Watershed -Approved by NBWA Board in September 2008 for $15k -Contract signed January 2009 with TBI -Project completed early Press release drafted
Other Video-”Saving the Bay” - First briefing- December 2005 –Funded at $5 k total from NBWA in June 2007 MMWD-$5k and SCWA $10k – Shown on PBS October 1 and 8, 2009 –Credit in opening SW and WWT Workshop –$2k to support June 23, 2009 Workshop –Funded $1,800 –Follow up through Water Quality Technical Committee
Other Policy –NBWA Board Briefing on-Promoting Multi-Benefit Water Projects in the North Bay Watershed Association Region –SEC- July NBWA “endorsed” Policy on Integrated Projects on October, NMWD adopted policy-Integrated / Multi-Benefit Water Resource Projects -11/4/ ?? EPA-SFEP Funding??? NBWA requested $1.5 million for Marin, Napa, and Sonoma
NBWA 2010 Conference Date and Location Theme Speakers Cost Sponsors
Date- April 9, 2010 Location-Sheraton, Petaluma-contract signed Theme - “Greening Our Water Infrastructure ” 3 Panels -Watersheds and Green Infrastructure -Recycling Advancements -Water Supply Innovations Keynotes *Jared Huffman *Frances Spivy-Weber, Vice Chair, SWRCB
Watersheds and Green Infrastructure Alexis Strauss, EPA Water Division Director Green to Blue: how EPA programs, policies and funding drive infrastructure and watershed improvement Brock Dolman-OAEC Basins of Relations: How do you Think Like a Watershed? Josiah Cain-Design Ecology ??Ecological Designs and Site Technology –Rosey Jencks, SFPUC Urban Watershed Management * San Francisco's Stormwater Program Kit Crump- NOAA ??What is the role of water in salmonid recovery
Recycling Advancements Chuck Weir-NBWRA Are there Advantages to a Regional Approach to Recycling? Mike Ban- Petaluma ?? Case Study on Recycling Heather Shepherd, ??Permitted Greywater Systems Christina Bertea, Greywater Action ??Grassroots Greywater (unpermitted)
Water Supply Innovations Paul Helliker – MMWD Is Desalination in our Future? Pam Jeane, SCWA ?? Habitat Restoration and Water Delivery Jay Jasperse, SCWA ??Groundwater Management Chris Brown, CUWCC ??What is the Cutting edge for Conservation?
Costs $80 $70 before January 31, 2010 Watershed Council-$40 Wine Tasting- 3:15-4:15 pm Benziger Family Winery
Sponsors DWR-$2500 SCWA- $2500 Winzler & Kelly- $2500 County of Marin- $1500 SCC-$1000 SFEP- $500
Saving The Bay