1 ERD 2010 ITRS Summer Conference – San Francisco – 14 July, 2010 ITRS Public Conference Emerging Research Devices Jim Hutchby – SRC July 14, ERD Chapter Emerging Research Memory Devices Emerging Research Logic Devices Emerging Research Architectures
2 ERD 2010 ITRS Summer Conference – San Francisco 14 July 2010 Hiroyugi AkinagaAIST Tetsuya AsaiHokkaido U. Yuji AwanoKeio U. George BourianoffIntel Michel BrillouetCEA/LETI Joe BrewerU. Florida John CarruthersPSU Ralph CavinSRC An ChenAMD U-In ChungSamsung Byung Jin ChoKAIST Sung Woong ChungHynix Luigi ColomboTI Shamik DasMitre Erik DeBenedictisSNL Simon Deleonibus LETI Tetsuo EndohTohuku U. Paul FranzonNCSU Akira FujiwaraNTT Christian GamratCEA Mike GarnerIntel Dan HammerstromPSU Wilfried HaenschIBM Tsuyoshi HasegawaNIMS Shigenori HayashiPanasonic Dan HerrSRC Toshiro HiramotoU. Tokyo Mutsuo HidakaISTEC Jim HutchbySRC Adrian IonescuEPFL Kiyoshi KawabataRenesas Tech Seiichiro KawamuraJST Rick KiehlU.C. Davis Suhwan KimSeoul Nation U Hyoungioon KimSamsung HDae-Hong KoYonsei U. Hiroshi KotakiSharp Atsuhiro KinoshitaToshiba Zoran KrivokapicAMD Phil KuekesHP Kee-Won KwonSeong Kyun Kwan U. Jong-Ho LeeKyungpook Nation U. Jong-Ho LeeHanyang U. Kee-won KwonSungkyunkwan U. Lou LomeIDA Hiroshi MizutaU. Southampton Ferdinand PeperNICT Yaw ObengNIST Dave RobertsNantero Sadas ShankarIntel Shintro SatoAIST Atsushi ShiotaJSR Micro Takahiro ShinadaWaseda U. Masayuki ShiraneNEC Satoshi SugaharaTokyo Tech Shin-ichi TakagiU. Tokyo Ken UchidaTokyo Tech Thomas VogelsangRambus Yasuo WadaToyo U. Rainer WaserRWTH A Jeff WelserNRI/IBM Franz Widdershoven NXP Philip WongStanford U. Dirk WoutersIMEC Kojiro YagamiSony David YehSRC/TI In-Seok YeoSamsung In-K YooSAIT Yuegang ZhangLLLab Victor ZhirnovSRC Emerging Research Devices Working Group
3 ERD 2010 ITRS Summer Conference – San Francisco 14 July 2010 year Beyond CMOS Elements Existing technologies New technologies Evolution of Extended CMOS More Than Moore ERD-WG in Japan
4 ERD 2010 ITRS Summer Conference – San Francisco 14 July ERD/ERM Workshops Co-sponsored by the National Science Foundation
5 ERD 2010 ITRS Summer Conference – San Francisco 14 July 2010 Increased Scope of Emerging Research Devices Chapter Scope of Emerging Research Memory Devices increased in 2011 to include Storage Class Memory New More-than-Moore Section
6 ERD 2010 ITRS Summer Conference – San Francisco 14 July ERD Chapter Emerging Memory Devices Emerging Logic Devices Emerging Architectures
7 ERD 2010 ITRS Summer Conference – San Francisco 14 July 2010 Resistive Memories Memory Technology Entries Redox Memory Nanoionic memory Electrochemical memory Fuse/Antifuse memory Molecular Memory Electronic Effects Memory Charge trapping Metal-Insulator Transition FE barrier effects Spin Transfer Torque MRAM Nanoelectromechanical Nanowire PCM Macromolecular (Polymer)
8 ERD 2010 ITRS Summer Conference – San Francisco 14 July 2010 Resistive Memories Memory Technology Entries Redox Memory Nanoionic memory Electrochemical memory Fuse/Antifuse memory Molecular Memory Electronic Effects Memory Charge trapping Metal-Insulator Transition FE barrier effects Spin Transfer Torque MRAM Nanoelectromechanical Nanowire PCM Macromolecular (Polymer) Capacitive Memory FeFET Memory
9 ERD 2010 ITRS Summer Conference – San Francisco 14 July 2010 ERD/ERM Memory Technology Assessment Workshop Workshop (For each of eight technologies) (April 6) –Receive expert inputs (pro & con) –Clarify status, potential, and remaining challenges –Formulate discussion/decision points to be considered in the Wednesday ERD/ERM meeting ERD/ERM Working Group Meeting (April 7) –Discuss and reach approximate consensus on potential & challenges for each technology –Determine whether any of the eight candidate memory technologies is sufficiently promising and mature to benefit from accelerated development (Scale beyond the 16nm generation)
10 ERD 2010 ITRS Summer Conference – San Francisco 14 July 2010 ERD/ERM Memory Technology Assessment Workshop ITRS ERD/ERM identified two emerging memory technologies for accelerated research & development: 1) STT-MRAM and 2) Redox Resistive RAM Redox Memory Cell STT-Memory Cell
11 ERD 2010 ITRS Summer Conference – San Francisco 14 July 2010 One Diode – One Resistor (1D1R) Memory Cell H-S. P. Wong – Stanford U.
12 ERD 2010 ITRS Summer Conference – San Francisco 14 July Content changes for Emerging Research Memory Section Include Storage Class Memory in Emerging Research Memory Section Transfer Nano Wire Phase-Change Memory to Transition Table and to PIDS and FEP Transfer Spin Transfer Torque Magnetic RAM (STT- MRAM) to Transition Table and to PIDS and FEP Reorganize emerging research memory classifications – New category named Redox RRAM.
13 ERD 2010 ITRS Summer Conference – San Francisco 14 July ERD Chapter Emerging Memory Devices Emerging Logic Devices Emerging Architectures
14 ERD 2010 ITRS Summer Conference – San Francisco 14 July 2010 Logic Technology Tables Table 1 – MOSFETs: Extending MOSFETs to the end of the roadmap _____________ CNT FETs Graphene nanoribbon FETs Nanowire FETs Table 2- Unconventional FETS, Charge-based Extended CMOS Devices _______________ Tunnel FET I-MOS Spin FET Spin MOSFET NEMS switch Excitonic FET MottFET Table 3 - Non-FET, Non Charge-based Beyond CMOS devices _______________ Collective Magnetic Devices Spin Transfer Torque Logic Moving domain wall devices Pseudo-spintronic Devices Nanomagnetic (M:QCA) Molecular Switch Atomic Switch
15 ERD 2010 ITRS Summer Conference – San Francisco 14 July 2010 ERD/ERM TWG Recommendation The ERD/ERM TWGs recommend to the International Roadmap Committee --- Carbon-based Nanoelectronics to include carbon nanotubes and graphene For additional resources and detailed road mapping for ITRS as promising technologies targeting commercial demonstration in the 5-10 year horizon.
16 ERD 2010 ITRS Summer Conference – San Francisco 14 July 2010 Graphene Electronics: Conventional & Non-conventional Conventional Devices Cheianov et al. Science (07) Graphene Veselago lense FET Band gap engineered Graphene nanoribbons Nonconventional Devices Trauzettel et al. Nature Phys. (07) Graphene pseudospintronics Son et al. Nature (07) Graphene Spintronics Graphene quantum dot (Manchester group) P. Kim – Columbia U.
17 ERD 2010 ITRS Summer Conference – San Francisco 14 July Content changes for Emerging Research Logic Section Add a new section on More-than-More with a focus on wireless devices Transfer III-V and Ge MOSFETs to PIDS & FEP Complete transfer of unconventional geometry MOSFETs to PIDS & FEP Transfer SET to More-than-Moore section Add spin transfer torque (STT) majority gate logic Add Mott FET device.
18 ERD 2010 ITRS Summer Conference – San Francisco 14 July ERD Chapter Emerging Memory Devices Emerging Logic Devices Emerging Architectures
19 ERD 2010 ITRS Summer Conference – San Francisco 14 July 2010 Emerging Architectures Benchmarking Devices Memory
20 ERD 2010 ITRS Summer Conference – San Francisco 14 July 2010 Four Architectural Projections 1)Hardware Accelerators execute selected functions faster than software performing it on the CPU. 2)Alternative switches often exhibit emergent, idiosyncratic behavior. We should exploit them. 3)CMOS is not going away anytime soon. 4)New switches may improve high utilization accelerators
21 ERD 2010 ITRS Summer Conference – San Francisco 14 July 2010 Matching Logic Functions & New Switch Behaviors Single Spin Spin Domain Tunnel-FETs NEMS MQCA Molecular Bio-inspired CMOL Excitonics ? Popular Accelerators New Switch Ideas Encrypt / Decrypt Compr / Decompr Reg. Expression Scan Discrete COS Trnsfrm Bit Serial Operations H.264 Std Filtering DSP, A/D, D/A Viterbi Algorithms Image, Graphics Example: Cryptography Hardware Acceleration Operations required:Rotate, Byte Alignment, EXORs, Multiply, Table Lookup Circuits used in Accel: Transmission Gates (T-Gates) New Switch Opportunity: A number of new switches (i.e. T-FETs) dont have thermionic barriers: wont suffer from CMOS Pass-gate V T drop, Body Effect, or Source-Follower delay. Potential Opportunity: Replace 4 T-Gate MOSFETs with 1 low power switch.
22 ERD 2010 ITRS Summer Conference – San Francisco 14 July 2010 Emerging Architectures Benchmarking Memory
23 ERD 2010 ITRS Summer Conference – San Francisco 14 July 2010 Preparing for re-write of 2011 ERD Chapter With ERM, conducting five FxF workshops co-sponsored by NSF Memory Technology Assessment Workshop (April 2010) Graphene-based and spin-based logic devices (Sept. 2010) Materials issues with Redox-RRAM & STT-MRAM (Nov 2010) III- V MOSFETs: Performance assessment and gating issues (Dec.2010) More than Moore Workshop (April 2011) Logic Devices Propose transfer of III-V MOSFET n-channel and Ge p-channel replacement materials from ERD to PIDS and FEP in 2011 Propose transfer of non-conventional geometry MOSFETs to PIDS/FEP JN 2011 Memory Devices A new taxonomy for categorizing resistive memories introduced. An assessment of new memory devices was completed: STT-MRAM and Redox-RRAM identified for accelerated research and development STT-M RAM & NW PCM proposed to fully transfer to PIDS and FEP in 2011 Will expand scope of memory section to include Storage Class Memory Adding a new section for More-than-Moore Emerging Research Technologies Architecture Architectural work for benchmarking Beyond CMOS devices continues Update Memory Architecture section ERD – Key Messages