If you are using an Apple device, such as an iPad or iPhone, and you want to follow the instructions you will need a ‘Flash’ compatible browser. If you don’t already have one installed then navigate to: and you can download the ‘Puffin Web Browser’ for free.
DISPELLING THE CODING MYTH! Transferable approaches based on UK evidence Robin Ball & Holly Moffett
5-7 Years create and debug simple programs use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs understand what algorithms are; how they are implemented as programs on digital devices; and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies. UNPACKING COMPUTING
7-11 Years design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with variables and various forms of input and output use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs understand computer networks including the internet; how they can provide multiple services, such as the world wide web; and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration UNPACKING COMPUTING
Digital Literacy E-safety Online etiquette Personal information Content & contact Information Technology Technology in everyday use Using technology purposefully Create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve Computer Science Logical reasoning Understanding algorithms Create and debug programs COMPUTING
Poor decisions online Understanding how search engines work Responding to cyberbullying Respecting other people’s property Staying safe online Technology outside school EXAMPLES OF DIGITAL LITERACY Safe Surfing
Assessing reliable websites Features of a browser How to search effectively Using different software to accomplish different tasks Labelling parts of a computer Creating content Making changes EXAMPLES OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Read All About It
Computational thinking Types of network Understanding networks Finding and fixing errors Basic programming Coding functions Ways to communicate Understanding algorithms Executing programs EXAMPLES OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Programming For Beginners
IN THE CLASSROOM Relate the experience to everyday life Use the correct vocabulary Ask students to vocalise their solutions Get students to set their own problems Scaffold the learning through a structured approach Cross curricular reinforcement i.e. math, science, ELA
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