CHAPTER 8 Quality of Service
Integrated services (IntServ) Ensure that a specific flow of traffic is going to receive the appropriate level of bandwidth across the entire network. Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) Differentiated Services (DiffServ) Used in Large Networks Classifies Traffic Type of Service (ToS) DiffServ Code Point (DSCP)
Delay Budget
Edge Functions Classify traffic as close to the edge as possible! Provider Edge Customer Edge
Header Compression: cRTP will compress traffic by recording header information and incrementally increasing it per each received packet
cRTP Configuration: Leased line ! Interface serial 0/0/0 ip address no ip mroute-cache ip rtp header-compression encapsulation ppp
cRTP Configuration: Frame Relay ! Interface serial 0/0/0 ip address encapsulation frame-relay no ip route-cache no ip mroute-cache frame-relay ip rtp header-compression
Queuing: Identify Traffic First in First out (FIFO) (Single Que) Weighted Fair Queuing Custom Queuing Priority Queuing Class Based Weighted Fair Queuing Low Latency Queuing
Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ): Identifies Traffic Flows Uses Source and Destination Addresses Protocol Type Port Number Qos/Tos Values Shares Traffic in a Fair Manner Low-bandwidth get Priority High-bandwidth shares remaining bandwidth Enabled on an interface by the fair-queue command
Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ): Affected by IP Precedence (0-7) Frame-Relay FECN Frame-Relay BECN Frame-Relay DE bits Options to the fair-queue Command congestive-discard-threshold (64) ( ) dynamic-queues (256) (16,32,64,128,256,…4096) reservable-queues (0) (0-1000) Not meant for use on links with bandwidth greater than Mbps
Custom Queuing (CQ): Specifies a percentage of available Bandwidth Max 16 output queues Serviced Sequentially Dynamic allocation of unused bandwidth interface serial 0/0/0 ip address custom-queue-list 1 ! queue-list 1 protocol ip 1 list 101 queue-list 1 default 2 queue-list 1 queue 1 byte-count 4000 queue-list 1 queue 2 byte-count 2000 ! access-list 101 permit udp any any range precedence 5 access-list 101 permit tcp any any eq 1720
Priority Queuing: Four traffic queues (High, Normal, Medium, Low) Each queue is serviced till empty Can starve traffic flows interface serial 0/0/1 ip address encapsulation ppp no ip mroute-cache priority-group 1 ! access-list 101 permit udp any any range access-list 101 permit tcp any any eq 1720 priority-list 1 protocol ip high list 101
Priority Queuing:
CB-WFQ (Class Based Weighted Fair Queuing): Can run on links up to T3 Defines what constitutes a class Specify the exact amount of bandwidth allocated Specify the minimum amount of bandwidth allocated 64 different classes Each class is associated with a separate queue Can be skewed to simulate PQ
PQ within CB-WFQ (Low Latency Queuing): Gives absolute priority to voice traffic
Traffic Classification: Three bits in the ToS field of the IP Header in-band QoS
Traffic Classification: Three bits in the ToS field of the IP Header in-band QoS
Traffic Classification: Can be set by destination phone number dial-peer voice 650 voip destination-pattern 650 ip precedence 5 session target RAS
Policy Routing: Can reset IP Precedence bits Can base policies on IP addresses, Port numbers, Protocols, or Packet size Uses route-maps to filter Can use any ACL interface FastEthernet0/0 ip address ip policy route-map RESET-PRECEDENCE ! access-list 105 permit ip any any route-map RESET-PRECEDENCE permit 10 match ip address 105 set ip precedence routine
RSVP: Each interface must be explicitly configured for RSVP The receiving station is the requester of the service interface-kbps: reserved bandwidth per interface (1-10,000,000) single-flow-kbps: amount of bandwidth allocated to a flow (1-10,000,000) default: 75% of available bandwidth if not specified show ip rsvp reservation Scalability issues ip rsvp bandwidth [interface-kbps] [single-flow-kbps]
Traffic Policing: Define the bandwidth limit for an application Rate limiting tools Used at the edge Traffic dropped based upon the bandwidth limit Subscriber cannot exceed the bandwidth set by contract rate-limit {input | output} bps burst-normal burst-max conform-action action exceed-action action
Traffic Shaping: Control usage of available bandwidth Establish traffic policies Regulate traffic flow to avoid congestion traffic-shape rate bit-rate [burst-size [excess-burst-size]]
Traffic Shaping: Interface serial0/0/0 encapsulation frame-relay traffic-shape rate Interface serial0/0/0 traffic-shape group ! access-list 101 permit tcp any eq ftp any
Fragmentation: Packet size in bytes/sec x 8 = Packet size in bits/sec Packet size in bits/sec / Circuit size in bits/sec = Time required to transmit 1500 bytes/sec x 8 = bits/sec bits/sec / bits/sec = sec = 214 msec
Fragmentation MTU: interface serial 0/0/0 ip mtu 300 no ip address encapsulation frame-relay fair-queue ! interface serial0/0/0.1 point-to-point ip mtu 300 ip address interface serial 0/0/0 mtu 300 no ip address encapsulation frame-relay fair-queue ! interface serial0/0/0.1 point-to-point mtu 300 ip address
Congestion Avoidance: WRED Randomly drops packets when queue gets to a set % of capacity Uses TCP window size to reduce flow
Cisco Auto QoS: On the interface to the phone Switch(config)#interface fa0/1 Switch(config-if)#auto qos voip ? cisco-phoneTrust the QoS marking of the Cisco IP Phone cisco-softphoneTrust the QoS marking of the Cisco IP Softphone trust Trust the DSCP/CoS marking Switch(config-if)#auto qos voip cisco-phone
Cisco Auto QoS: On the interface to the Router Switch(config)#interface fa0/1 Switch(config-if)#auto qos voip ? cisco-phoneTrust the QoS marking of the Cisco IP Phone cisco-softphoneTrust the QoS marking of the Cisco IP Softphone trust Trust the DSCP/CoS marking Switch(config-if)#auto qos voip trust CME(config)#interface fa0/1 CME(config-if)#auto ? discoveryConfigure auto Discovery qosConfigure AutoQoS CME(config-if)#auto qos voip trust
End of Chapter 8