You will find applications that are installed on the computer. Go to Start – Programs (depending on view Start – All Programs). All applications installed on the computer are listed here.
Create a shortcut from applications in the start menu. Go to Start – Programs (or All Programs). Right-click on the icon of the application you want to create the shortcut for select Send To – Desktop (create shortcut). DO NOT DRAG ICONS FROM THE START MENU. DOING SO WILL REMOVE THE ICON COMPLETELY FROM THE START MENU.
Go to Start – Printers and Faxes (depending on your view Settings – Printers and Faxes). Right-click on the printer you want as your default and select “Set as Default Printer”.
Double-click on My Computer on the desktop. All network drives that you have access to will show up at the bottom under “Network Drives”. H = Staff Drive K = Student Share Drive L = Staff Share Drive R = Student Redirect Drive S = Staff Share Drive (BHS only) N = Staff Resource Drive V = District Share (view based on access)
At the desktop, press Ctrl+Alt+Del. In the Windows Security screen, click Change Password. Your Windows password is the password you use to login to your computer.
In the User name box, username is already there. In the Log on to box, domain name is already there (vvsd). In the Old Password box, enter your old password. Then enter your new password in two remaining text boxes. Click OK to set new password. Your password must be a minimum of six (6) characters in length, CANNOT start with a number, and meet at least three (3) of the following criteria: Have at least one (1) letter that is UPPERCASE. Have at least one (1) letter that is lowercase. Have at least one (1) number in the password, but DO NOT start the password with a number. Have at least one (1) unique character, either # (pound sign) (at sign) or $ (dollar sign).
To restart go to Start – Shut Down - Select Restart from drop down menu. Ctrl+Alt+Del – Select Shut Down. Hold power button down until computer turns off.
To lock your computer, press Ctrl+Alt+Del on your desktop. In the Windows Security screen, click Lock Computer. When you return, press Ctrl+Alt+Del put in your password and screen is as you left it. To protect sensitive information you should always lock your computer when you walk away from it.
Go to Start – Programs (depending on view Start – All Programs) TechInfo. Select number 5 on the list and press Enter.
This gives information requested in a work order.