1 on Using Special Rooms in Flexible Timetabling Curriculum Development Institute Education Bureau 13 March 2008 Supplementary Notes.


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Presentation transcript:

1 on Using Special Rooms in Flexible Timetabling Curriculum Development Institute Education Bureau 13 March 2008 Supplementary Notes

2 Background a broad and balanced NSS curriculum to students in 2009 flexible subject combinations to cater for the needs of different students the best use of school resources, e.g. special rooms

3 Concerns Safety especially for those lessons in laboratories, workshops and Home Economics rooms Regulations e.g. number of students and teachers permitted in classrooms, laboratories and workshops

4 General Guidelines flexible use of special rooms to facilitate students learning procedures and a record of use of special rooms clear to all school personnel regulations on numbers of students and teachers observed priority to use particular special rooms safety practices in using special rooms

5 Summary facilitate students learning encourage schools flexible allocation of resources achieve a balance of usage and safety depend on individual needs of schools

6 KLAOfficerTelephone Science EducationMs CHENG Siu-lin2698 Technology Education Mr LEUNG Cheuk-fai3698 Arts EducationMr CHAN Che-kwong3698 Personal, Social and Humanities Education Ms YAU KM Jenny2892 Contacts

7 Thank You!

8 Reference Education Department. (2002). Safety in science laboratories. Hong Kong Printing Department Hong Kong Education Department. (2000). Teaching Home Economics in Secondary Schools – Safety Booklet. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Printing Department Education Department. (2002). Guidelines on Safety for Art and Design in Secondary Schools. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the Peoples Republic of China The Government of Hong Kong SAR (2003). Safety in School Workshops

9 Reference Education Department. (2002). Guidelines on Safety for Art and Design in Secondary Schools. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the Peoples Republic of China Schools Miscellaneous Circular No. 3/ Safety Precautions in the Teaching of Home Economics in Secondary Schools The Government of Hong Kong SAR. (2000) Education Regulations. Education Bureau (2005). School Administration Guide Part CLEAPSS. (2001). Laboratory Handbook. School Science Service, Brunel University