Information Literacy Using the BIG 6 for Research
Agenda 1. Introductions What do you want out of our afternoon? 2. Why are we here? Information Literacy and 21 st Century Learners 3. What is the Big 6? 4. The Big 6 in Action! 5. The Big 6, Super 3, and Core Content/ Program Review 6. Quality on-line tools for research. 7. Copyright and the digital age 8. Graphic organizers 9. Examples of ways to share final product 10. You are not alone! Collaboration at work! 11. Reflection
Introductions What do you hope to gain out of our afternoon?
Why are we here?
Information Literacy Access and Evaluate Information Access information efficiently (time) and effectively (sources) Evaluate information critically and competently Use and Manage Information Use information accurately and creatively for the issue or problem at hand Manage the flow of information from a wide variety of sources Apply a fundamental understanding of the ethical/legal issues surrounding the access and use of information From the Partnership for 21 st Century Skills
Why is Information Literacy important? Have you ever heard of Data Smog? A term coined by author David Shenk, it refers to the idea that too much information can create a barrier in our lives. This data smog is produced by the amount of information, the speed at which it comes to us from all directions, the need to make fast decisions, and the feeling of anxiety that we are making decisions without having ALL the information that is available or that we need. Information literacy is the solution to Data Smog. It allows us to cope by giving us the skills to know when we need information and where to locate it effectively and efficiently. It includes the technological skills needed to use the modern library as a gateway to information. It enables us to analyze and evaluate the information we find, thus giving us confidence in using that information to make a decision or create a product.
Who needs Information Literacy? The concept of Information Literacy may seem too broad and overwhelming. Why should students learn all this? Because we want to remove the obstacles to creativity which are caused by lack of understanding of the research process. We only want to introduce students to those skills which will allow them to succeed in their future chosen paths. This is not just for college students but all of us, as professionals, in the workplace and in our personal lives. Being information literate ultimately improves our quality of life as we make informed decisions when buying a house, choosing a school, hiring staff, making an investment, voting for our representatives, and so much more. Information Literacy is, in fact, the basis of a sound democracy. As U.S. Representative Major R. Owens has said "Information literacy is needed to guarantee the survival of democratic institutions. All men are created equal but voters with information resources are in a position to make more intelligent decisions than citizens who are information illiterates." American Library Association Presidential Committee on Information Literacy, Washington, D.C.
Solution? The Big 6 What is the Big 6? v=JVEiNZuYgjQ v=JVEiNZuYgjQ g6_resources.htm g6_resources.htm ask1.htm ask1.htm The Big 6 in Action!
The Super 3 asses/tami/super3.html asses/tami/super3.html
The Big 6/Super 3 and Core Content/Program of Studies 4 th and 5 th grade Common Core: Conduct short research projects that build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic. W.4.8. Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information from print and digital sources; take notes and categorize information, and provide a list of sources.
Common Core Units Writing Demonstrator 3 a) Teachers, students, and others provide direct instruction, models, demonstrations, and Think Alouds that demonstrate specific learning objectives and provide time for students to apply this learning. b) Students research information to seek a new or deeper understanding around a topic of personal interest and demonstrate new understanding through products. c) Students identify and use technological tools, resources, and applications specifically suited for targeted communication goals.
Quality On-Line Research Tools KET/Encyclomedia Kentucky Virtual Library GoGooligans _search/gogooligans.html _search/gogooligans.html WebPath Express ALA Great Websites for Kids
Copyright and the digital Age quizframes.htm quizframes.htm
Examples of Ways to Share your final product