Romantic period interest of Eng. and Scott. ballads against the new bourgeoisie order of society exaggerating, return to nature, idealistic philosophy, supernaturalism, glorification of heroes, emotions, dreams, fantasy
Gothic novels exaggerating tales of horror, hero, middle-age setting – castles, mysteries MARY GODWIN SHELLEY ‘Frankenstein’ - technical advances vs. human being, no castle, modern work
Historical novels Sir WALTER SCOTT ( ) a founder of historical novels ‘ Ivanhoe’ ‘ Rob Roy’ ‘ Waverly’
Poetry ROBERT BURNS ( ) ‘Auld Lang Syne’ – in music /Scottish/ WILLIAM BLAKE ( ) ‘Songs of Innocence’
Poets` groups Lake Poets lived in Lake District William Wordworth ( ) ‘Lyrical Ballads’ excell. sonet writer Samuel Taylor Coleridge ( ) - contributed to Lyrical Ballads by: ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ Shelley Group poets of Napoleonic Wars fought for freedom, modern Europe politically and religiously active rebels against convention George Gordon Byron ( ) ‘Childe Harold´s Pilgrimage’ Percy Bysshe Shelley ( ) ‘ Prométheus Unbound’ John Keats
P. B. Shelley Autor: Amelia Curran, Název: Portrait of Percy Bysshe Shelley by Curran, 1819.jpg Zdroj:
Female authors JANE AUSTEN (1775 – 1818) widely read from romanticism to realism ‘Pride and Prejudice’ ‘Sense and Sensibility’ filmed
Jane Austen Autor: Based on one drawn by her sister Cassandra, Název: Jane Austen.jpg Zdroj:
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