ONION Review 12/06 The ONION (ONtologies In ONtology) is an open source semantic reference tool for the Business Of Information Technology which uses many terms that have novel or dual meanings. It is structured as a Community of Practice (COP) ontology that has multiple, domain specific, layers. The content of each layer is scoped by the set of IT topics that are relevant to a particular Community of Interest (COI) or Community of Action (COA). (RTK)(RTK) The foundational layers of the ONION are aligned with the public specifications of: (RTL)(RTL) IT Service Management Best Practice e.g. ISO 20000, ITIL (RTP)(RTP) IT Control Frameworks e.g. ISACA COBIT (RTQ)(RTQ) Information Security e.g. ISO / IEC 27001, ISO (RTR)(RTR) IT Auditor Control Objectives e.g. COSO (RTS)(RTS) SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) e.g. OASIS BCM (Business Centric Methodology) (RTT)(RTT) Acknowledging that ontologies are excellent classification schemas, the ONION core uses explicit links to controlled vocabularies as they become publicly available: (RTM)(RTM) IT Infrastructure (Classes, properties, methods, values) e.g. Common Information Model (RTN)(RTN) Open Source Components (XML elements, attributes) e.g. ET.gov (RTU)(RTU)... (QQP) In addition to the Ontolog IPR Policy, the ONION COP employs the OASIS RF on Limited Terms IPR Policy (QQP)Ontolog IPR PolicyOASIS RF on Limited Terms IPR Policy
BCM Extension Layer Template
BCM Business Layer Template