Ballads are poems that tell a story. They are considered to be a form of narrative poetry. They are often used in songs and have a very musical quality to them.
Ballads belong to the same class of impersonal poetry as epics, And actually it’s the second kind of poetry, nevertheless they use a different technique. They are usually short,fifty or sixty lines of the most, and they are much shorter in length, And it’s also written in rhymed verse which could be sung.
Our bombs dropped on Japan, We had to end this thing. It was killing our own people, And others stuck in this ring. The war ended with that, And everyone went their normal ways Except the heroic fighters Who left us while fighting for many long, tiring days.
Take me to the ocean with you. Hold me, don't ever let go. Give me your heart if you will. I will give you my love. Every time we go.. 'Cause you know, I'm ready for love. And I know, I'm ready for you. To love me, so love me today. I will love you the same way too.
Common measure used in ballads: The Fourteener That it contains of lines of fourteen syllables broken up into two divisions of eight and six syllables. And of course there are some ballads differ in meter and form from the origin formulation.
Kinds of Ballads: 1- Traditional Ballads: (usually by unknown poets) an example is The Wife of Usher’s Well. 2- Literary Ballads: Imitations of traditional an example is Coleridge’s The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Read the ballad on page 21 from your book
a. A literary work in which human vice or folly is attacked through irony, derision, or wit. The motive of the writer may be malicious or the desire to provoke pure fun.
History of satire backs to the fourteenth century. It started with CHAUCER in his group tales which its name Canterbury Tales.
How was Chaucer method ? Chaucer method was gentle. He was praising the mistakes of people who wants to make fun of them in a way comic strip make the reader laugh. In his group tales which its name Canterbury Tales, Chaucer criticized many of the figures in English Society at that time.
LENGLAND Langland wrote a fierce denunciation of the fourteenth century church in Piers Plowman. His method was very different from Chaucer’s. He believed in attacking vices frontally in strong language.
John Dryden The master of Heroic couplet. He used this form in his satires with such superb success the henceforth satire came to be associated with almost to the exclusion of other forms.
John Dryden Alexander Pope Johnson Opie