New Senior Secondary Curriculum Other Learning Experience and Student Learning Profile
The world is passing through troublesome times. The young people of today think of no-one but themselves. They have no respect for age or their parents. What passes as wisdom for us is foolishness to them. As for the young people of today, they are immodest in speech, behavior and dress. (Peter the Hermit, eleventh century)
Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics and Liberal Studies as core subjects for ALL students 2 or 3 elective subjects (chosen from a range of 20 elective subjects) Other learning experiences (moral and civic education, community service, aesthetic and physical activities, career-related experiences) Career-oriented studies (alternative(s) to elective(s)) 45 – 55%20 – 30%15 – 35% 405 hr minimum Proposed NSS Curriculum
What does a senior secondary student need on top of subject learning? Whole Person Development
Other Learning Experiences 1. Moral and Civic Education 2. Community Service 3. Aesthetic activities 4. Physical activities 5. Career-related experiences
Why Other Learning Experiences Expected Outcomes of OLE Whole Person Development ( ) Complement the examination subjects/ career- oriented studies Building up life-long capacities: To nurture informed & responsible citizenship To respect for Plural values & Healthy living style To develop career aspirations
Seven Guiding Principles of Designing School-based OLE 1.Student-focused 2.Building on existing practice (own strengths) 3.Entitlements (including disadvantaged students) 4.Quality experience 5.Coherent with KS3 and the whole NSS Curriculum 6.Flexibility (e.g. could be out-of lesson time for community service) 7.Diversity in Implementation modes (e.g. in the form of lessons, sessions, projects, programs … )
Physical Activities (e.g.) Many schools already have PE lessons Participation diversified activities & PE- related co-curricular activities Able to analyze physical movement & evaluate the effectiveness of a health-/ fitness programme Role-taking as sport leaders or junior coach
Aesthetic activities (e.g.) In a variety of formats (lessons, programmes, activity days … ) Students will respond, analyse and interpret art works Students will employ appropriate art forms, media and techniques for presentation of ideas Students will actively participate in self- selected art activities
Moral & Civic Education (e.g.) Assembly Life Education sessions Class Teacher periods Sex Education talks/ workshops Environmental Education Health Education …….
Community Service (e.g.) Visits to local service units (e.g. Elderly homes, … ) Clean Hong Kong … Events for charities Participate in neighborhood regeneration projects …
Career-related Experiences Career-related Learning in the Classrooms Through KLA teaching Through Class teachers period Through direct experience of class work Career-related Learning beyond the Classroom Through workplace visits and LWL projects Through meeting authentic experts and business people Career-related Learning in mediated real-life experience Running real businesses guided by teachers/ experienced experts Real Work Experience (Work Attachment or Placement)
How could we celebrate student participation in OLE? Student Learning Profile
Serve as a means to motivate ongoing work And also as a passport for entry into the world of work, further education Content: HKDSE School internal results Other achievements and awards outside school Other Learning Experience (record of community service, cultural activities, personal qualities)
Current Practices in Student Learning Profile (SLP) Student-led record-oriented Teacher-driven record-oriented Student-led, reflection- oriented Teacher-driven reflection- oriented Student Learning Profile Reflection- oriented Teacher- driven Record- oriented Student-led Electronic version
OLE 1 OLE 5 OLE 4 OLE 3 OLE 2 SLP Suggested Framework of Other learning Experiences & Student Learning Profile Academic works/ results Other achievements gained outside schools
Student Learning Profile (A system with Formative purposes) Developing a Reflective Habit of Mind Audience- specificity: Learning through Mediators Managing Complexity: A Whole Person Development pathway Valuing Other Learning Experiences: MI Integrity Personal Social Multiplicity Benefits of Student Learning profile – (Both Reflective and Record-oriented school-based model)
Non-educational experiences – are those that are simply undergone and have no significant effect on individual Mis-educational experiences – are those hamper our ability to have further experiences or develop disinclinations to encounter such areas. Dewey s terms