History Of The Computer And Internet By Barrett 6 th period
The first computer The first programmable computer was invented by Konrad Zuse. It was a Z1. It was made from 1936 to 1938.
“Debug” To debug something means to fix its errors. This process is called debugging because the first debug was the operators removing a moth from panel F.
Internet The internet became available to the public in Before then it had been used by the military in the 60’s and 70’s. It was created by the U.S. defense department. It was created so that researchers for the U.S. Department of Defense could share information.
Babbage’s Analytical Engine It was a computer-type machine developed to calculate basic mathematical problems. It was created by Charles Babbage in 1837.
Herman Hollerith’s tabulating machine. It was created to record lots of information and tally the results of the 1880 U.S. census. It was the first successful information processing system. It was the first alternative to pen and paper.
ENIAC ENIAC was created for the military to calculate coordinates accurately and quickly. It was built at the University of Pennsylvania.
Program A list of instructions that tell a computer what to do. You can’t do anything without programs.
Transistor replaces vacuum tubes By doing this it reduced size. Also the vacuum tubes put off a lot of heat. This was a hazard.
The first microcomputer The first microcomputer was created by Steve Wozniac and Steve Jobs. In 1976 the two college dropouts founded Apple Computer.
Binary System The binary system is a combination of 0 and 1. Eight or more bits form a byte. A byte can store a single character.