Belarus, ,Minsk region, Borisov district, Swetlaya Roscha settlement tel/fax Internet: The State Educational Establishment «The Institute for Retraining and Professional Development» of the Ministry for Emergency Situations Republic of Belarus
The Aim of Training is shaping of tactical competence in the field of rescue actions conducting in collapsed buildings. Objectives: 1.To give awareness of: - rules and sequence of rescue actions; - reconnaissance organization; - rescue actions methods in dangerous conditions; - ways of victims searching; - evacuation rules; - specification of tools and equipment; - work safety rules; - effective ways of moving in different conditions; - ways of extrication from collapsed buildings, damaged vehicles, from top floors of buildings; 2.To shape skills of : - localization of the incident; - performing search and rescue in conditions of natural and industrial incidents; - extinguishing of “rock fall”; - evacuation of population from dangerous zone; - victims search with improvised means and with special equipment; - preparation of equipment, instruments and devices and maintaining them in proper condition, to be able to operate them; - fire extinguishing means usage; - portable electro installations, compressors and pumps usage; - performing actions according safety rules; - to work in constantly changing natural and industrial conditions.
SectionsSections names Section 1.Basics of Buildings Construction Section 2.Rescue Actions Management Section 3. Section 4. Rescue Actions Techniques Personnel Protection and Safety Requirements
General Arrangement of Buildings Buildings Stability Section 1. Basics of Buildings Construction
Basics of Emergency Management Forecasting and Monitoring of Incidents Means and Forces Calculations Section 2. Rescue Actions Management
Reconnaissance and victims deblocking Rescuing from top floors Engineering Vehicles Usage “Rock fall” Clearance Technology Features of Rescue Actions at Power Circuits Features of Firefighting Section 3. Rescue Actions Techniques
Security at the Place of Actions Organizing of Work in Environment Unsuitable for Breathing Section 4. Personnel Protection and Safety Requirements
About 9 groups of experts (126 persons) from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia have passed training on this programme
Thank you for your attention!