by Prof. Thierry VILLEMIN
The university of Savoie : A pluri-disciplinary university
Some key features of UdS students on 3 campus in Savoie First place in France for foreign students exchanges Member of the PRES Grenoble (Pole for Education and Resarch) with 3 other universities (61000 students) “Licences” (bachelor), Masters and PhD programs: sequence
3 lakes
Phosphorus average concentration (Winter)
BiologyGeologyGeographyChemistryPhysiology Centre Interdisciplinaire Scientifique de la Montagne Scientifique de la Montagne Environnemental Sciences Past, present and future
1183 étudiants en 2010, 63 doctorants 1183 étudiants en 2010, 63 doctorants Effectif personnels* : 61 Enseignants-Chercheurs 61 Enseignants-Chercheurs 11 Enseignants 11 Enseignants 15 Chercheurs (CNRS, IRD) 15 Chercheurs (CNRS, IRD) 30 IATOS 30 IATOS 189 Vacataires enseignement extérieurs 189 Vacataires enseignement extérieurs (4500 HEQTD = 13 TD) (4500 HEQTD = 13 TD) * Présents sur le site du Bourget du Lac
Where is research on water resources at CISM? 3 Labs mainly concerned : CARRTEL (Biology) INRA + UdS (mainly at Thonon) LCME (Chemistry) UdS EDYTEM (Geology and Geography) CNRS + UdS FLAME (Lake-Mountain-Environment Federation) Research coordination (common programs and equipments) Master Program (still under construction)
FLAME : main objectives Paleo-environnement et paleo-ecology of mountain areas and their great lakes. Past responses to human activities (fishing practices, farming, forestry, industry, urbanization) and to climate changes. Who can we use the OM (Organic Matter) as a trace of these evolutions? Organic Matter : humic substance, biomarkers, DNA Ecodynamics, transfert, reactivity and stocking of Organic MicroPollutants and Natural OM in hydrosystems. Biological and physicochemical transfer phenomena and flux evaluation. What is the function of the different phases contributing to the transfer of OMP and NOM? We would like to better understand how they are stocking, transferring or transforming in hydrosystems like lakes, karsts and mountain drainage basins. This include also soils studies. PCB (PolyChlorinated Biphenyls), PAH (Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) Comparison between great lakes influenced by human activities and isolated mountain lakes in order to isolate the atmospheric contribution
SOERE GLACPE SOERE : « Système d’Observation et d’Expérimentation, sur le long terme, pour la Recherche en Environnement » GLACPE « Grands LACs PErialpins »
CEMBRO project “Investment for the Future” French program of 35 billions €, 22 devoted to academic research and high level teaching. CEMBRO (Environmental Change and Biodiversity: Retro-observation) is defended by a large consortium of labs in Chambery-Grenoble area. Equipment for a new and powerful analytical center (total 7 M€) : XRF core scanner, Environmental SEM with EDS, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, rare DNA analyze…
Other subjects identified as possible cooperation Evaluation of fish stocks. Eco-genetics and conservation of old fish species Water quality and water treatment (LCME has strong links with Algeria on this subject) Thermal springs Metrology : exchange on technical practices
CWR and UNITWIN cooperation (1) Identification of the good links to establish between potential partners Discussion between partners or group of partners by the way of teleconferences Common responses to proposals Objective of common papers for high level scientific journals Common workshop in international conferences (EGU, Asian meetings …)
CWR and UNITWIN cooperation (2) Common or shared courses for master degrees in English followed by webminar, teleseminar or DVD Multilateral exchange for students (practical research experience for master degrees, English plus basic knowledge of the language of the destination country) Common phD : specific models or analyses made where competences are. Research time shared through different centers
Human and financial resources The coordination of the CWR & UNITWIN at UdS must be included in the service of the scientist in charge of it. The coordinator must be helped by a full time assistant (engineer). Specific resources must be found for this work and related expenses: call could be made to some major companies Specific resources must be found to cover travel and
Other thinks to do More advertising must be made on the CWR and UNITWIN network : Website, brochure… Links with other Chairs, networks on water problems to be clarified : “who is making what” More formal agreements between universities (student exchanges)