1 The New Academic Structure for Senior Secondary Education and Higher Education May 2005 Education and Manpower Bureau Action Plan for Investing in - Action Plan for Investing in the Future of Hong Kong the Future of Hong Kong
2 The Way Forward 1.Committed actions 1.Committed actions and critical milestones in response to consensus and concerns, 2.2 nd consultation of multi-stage development of curriculum & assessment frameworks from June to Sep Dialogue with stakeholders on developmental issues, e.g. COS & special education, communications & partnership with all stakeholders, e.g. focus groups, web-bulletin 1.Committed actions 1.Committed actions and critical milestones in response to consensus and concerns, 2.2 nd consultation of multi-stage development of curriculum & assessment frameworks from June to Sep Dialogue with stakeholders on developmental issues, e.g. COS & special education, communications & partnership with all stakeholders, e.g. focus groups, web-bulletin
3 Sept st cohort of NSS students (existing P5 students to be the first to enjoy the new structure) st HKDSE exam - 1st cohort of SS3 students entering the university st batch of university students to be graduated under the new structure Year of Implementation: 2009
4 Value & Attitude Generic Skill Building on Strengths of Basic Education: The Whole Curriculum Framework 4 Core Subjects: Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics, Liberal Studies (45-55%) 2-3 Elective Subjects out of 20 subjects or out of courses in career- oriented studies (20-30%) Other Learning Experiences including moral and civic education, community service, aesthetic and physical experiences and work-related experiences (e.g. job attachment) (15-35%) P1- S3 NSS Moral and Civic Education Intellectual Development Community Service Physical & Aesthetic Development Career-related Experiences General Studies
5 Curriculum (1) Learning Goals for NSS – Learning Better for All to be biliterate and trilingual with adequate proficiency; to acquire a broad knowledge base, and be able to understand contemporary issues that may impact on their daily life at personal, community, national and global levels; to be an informed and responsible citizen with a sense of global and national identity; to respect pluralism of cultures and views, and be a critical, reflective and independent thinker; to acquire IT and other skills as necessary for being a life- long learner; to understand their own career/academic aspirations and develop positive attitudes towards work and learning; to lead a healthy life style with active participation in aesthetic and physical activities.
6 Curriculum (2) Principles of Design – Learning Better for All Prior knowledge Balance between breadth and depth Balance between theoretical and applied learning Balance between essential learning and a flexible and diversified curriculum Learning how to learn and inquiry-based learning Progression of studies Smoother articulation to multiple progression pathways Greater coherence
7 Lesson Time (for 3 years) (SS1, SS2 173 days, SS3 127 days) (Average: 158 days) 2552 hours 2700 hours Curriculum (3)
8 Curriculum (4) Chinese Language 12.5% % (338h – 405h) English Language 12.5% % (338h – 405h) Mathematics % % (270h – 405h) Liberal Studies 12.5% min. 10% (min. 270h) Core subjects: 45-55% Core subjects Time allocation
9 Curriculum (5) No. of Xs Time allocation: 10% (270h) each Same as proposed - 2 to 3Xs, may include COS Students could take more than 3 subjects at SS1 before making decision on their elective subjects at SS2/3 Other Learning Experiences Moral & civic edu, community service, aesthetic & physical activities, career-related experiences Time allocation: 15% - 35% (405h – 945h)
10 Subjects in NSS curriculum Chinese Literature Literature in English Chinese History Economics Ethics and Religious Studies Geography History Tourism and Hospitality Studies Biology Chemistry Physics Science (Senior Secondary) Business and Financial Studies Information and Communication Technology Home Economics Design and Applied Technology Health Management and Social Care Music Visual Arts Physical Education Table of elective subjects
11 Curriculum (6) Progression of Studies Through sequencing of themes, induction of students to the subject & flexible time-tabling, SBA to start in SS2 and exams at the end of SS3
12 Senior Secondary Curriculum Guide 2006 As a continuation of Basic Education Curriculum Guide, CDC, 2002) To support planning & implementation of NSS, e.g. other learning experiences, assessment literacy, Curriculum (7)
13 Curriculum (8) Mathematics (10% - 15%) Compulsory Part (10%) (ALL students): Foundation Topics + Non-foundation Topics (optional) Elective Part (5%) (optional) Module 1 (Calculus & Statistics) Module 2 ( Algebra and Calculus) One of 3 combinations: Compulsory Part only (for general purpose) Compulsory Part + Module 1 (knowing more mathematics) Compulsory Part + Module 2 (for further study in math-related field) Compulsory Part and Module are separately reported Mathematics
Mathematics Module 1 (Calculus & Statistics) Module 2 (Algebra & Calculus) Compulsory part Elective part
15 Curriculum (9) Compulsory unit –From 9 to 6 units, with detailed explanatory notes –Assessed in public examination with 5-level reporting as other NSS subjects Elective units –No elective units as compared to 6 originally proposed –Independent Enquiry Study using elective themes such as Mass Media & Arts; SBA only Liberal Studies Web-based Resource Platform Web-based Resource Platform for all units to be developed from mid- 2005
Liberal Studies (Contd) X1 English Language X2 Other Learning Experiences Use contemporary issues as a platform to: study contemporary events not covered by any single disciplines (Awareness) expand knowledge & perspectives beyond single disciplines (Broadening) connect knowledge and concepts across different disciplines (Connecting & Critical thinking) X3 Issues in Liberal Studies Chinese Language Mathematics
17 Curriculum (10) Two approaches: –Interdisciplinary approach Science (Integrated) –Combined approach : take 2 out of the 3 parts selected from Phy, Chem and Bio curricula To get a broad knowledge of science with: 1 X – Science (Integrated) 2 Xs – 1 from Phy, Chem or Bio + Science (Combined) 3 Xs – Phy, Chem and Bio Science
Science (For students taking another science subject including either Biology, Chemistry or Physics (For students taking one science subject) Science (Integrated) Science (Physics, Chemistry) to complement Biology Science (Biology, Physics) to complement Chemistry Science (Chemistry, Biology) to complement Physics Science (Physics, Chemistry) to complement Biology Science (Biology, Physics) to complement Chemistry Science (Chemistry, Biology) to complement Physics Mode I: (original design) interdisciplinary Mode II: (additional design) Combined 1 subject 2 approaches 4 options
20 English Language SS3 Compulsory Part Elective Part (25%) SS2 SS1 (75%) Other Examples of Progression of Studies
21 Business, Accounting and Financial Studies SS 1 Exploring different inclinations Elective X+ BAFS (Compulsory Part) +Elective Y making informed decision for further studies SS 2 & 3 Engaging in different areas of interest Option 1 BAFS (Elective Part) + other elective subject(s) OrOption 2 BAFS (Elective Part) + COC course(s) OrOption 3 COC course(s) + other elective subject(s) Others
22 Example of Induction Programme (before SS2) ActivitiesAccounting ModuleBusiness Management Module Overview of Elective Part Overview of Accounting ModuleOverview of Business Management Module Sample Lessons Suggested topics of Financial Accounting and/or Cost Accounting Suggested topics of Financial Management Marketing Management, and/or Human Resources Management Guest Lectures / Seminars Professionals from accounting professional organisations or business enterprises e.g. financial controller, auditor, chief accountant, etc. Entrepreneurs or chief executives from the business sector Extra-curricular activities Visit to financial institutions or corporations Focus: accounting, human resources, marketing, …etc.
23 Curriculum (11) Career-oriented Studies A variety of course providers, including schools Quality assurance mechanism by HKCAA for recognition for further studies or work Broad comparability between COS courses & HKEAA subjects Qualification recognized in SS Student Learning Profile Additional resources (Diversity Learning Grant) Some EMI COS for ethnic minorities Special arrangements for students with SEN in ordinary & special schools Pilot COC & Yi Jin/Secondary School Collaboration Project to inform the future planning of COS
24 A Continuum of Theoretical and Applied Learning Curriculum (12)
25 Other languages, e.g. French, German, Japanese PTH - 2 elective modules (, ) on PTH in Chinese Language subject for more capable students to excel - HKEAA will continue to offer oral & listening test in both Cantonese and PTH as choices to students Strengthening of culture, values & attitudes (e.g. gender, sustainability, …) Curriculum (13) Other Languages, PTH & Chinese Culture
26 Curriculum (14) Special Education Students with SEN - 6 years of secondary schooling Capable students to follow the same student programme Mentally handicapped (MH) students 10+2 with clear learning outcomes & assessment standards Curriculum for MH students to be built on the existing basic education, EYE experiences, aims of NSS Discussion with the sector to finalize the way forward by the year end Extra funding for special schools and ordinary schools taking a significant portion of students with SEN
27 Curriculum (15) Gifted Education Stretching the potential of gifted students through a differentiated curriculum Working with universities to offer programmes for the exceptionally gifted in subjects relevant to tertiary studies and subjects not currently included under NSS Regional Gifted Education Clusters and teachers network in different areas Standard Referenced assessment to encourage upward aspirations Use Diversity Learning Grant
28 1)To consult professionals on curriculum & assessment frameworks 2)To demonstrate exemplars of learning, teaching & assessment, & other good practice 3)To solicit information on provision of subjects, needs for professional development 4)To provide early information for school planning (e.g. overview of Progression of Study for SS1, SS2, SS3, SBA) & interface matters 5)To establish means for further communication 2nd Stage of Consultation on Curriculum & Assessment Frameworks
29 2 nd Stage of Consultation (Contd) Report to set further directions (especially chapters 2-9) Consultation means (June – Sept 2005) Web version accessible to the public Seminars for principals/vice principals & teachers Meetings with professional groups & institutions Questionnaires for schools , media, write-ins
30 Managing & Leading Change Critical milestones – certainties & uncertainties Communication means -Web bulletin -District focus groups - -Advisory bodies Coherence-making: JSEA, Education regulations/ordinance, MOI