CSE 221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms Lecture 06: CSE 221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms Lecture 06: Analysis of Algorithm using List, Stack and Queues Dr.Surasak Mungsing Sep-151
9/15/ Stacks CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Stack Operation: Push CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Stack Operation: Pop CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Stack Operation: Top CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/2015 7Stacks Stack operation is LIFO (Last-In, First-Out) Basic operations of Stack - Adding an element to Stack (Push) - Removing an element from Stack (Pop) - Using an element of Stack (Top) Creating a Stack - using an array to represent a stack - using a Linked list to represent a Stack CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Stack represented by Linked list CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Stack represented by Linked list CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Stack Operation: Push CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Stack Operation: Destroy CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Operations พื้นฐานของ Stack ที่สร้างด้วย Linked list 1. Create stack:allocate memory for stack head node 2. Push stack:add an element to a stack 3. Pop stack:remove an element from a stack 4. Stack top:using the value on the top of stack 5. Empty stack:check whether the stack is empty 6. Full stack: check whether the stack is full 7. Stack count:return number of elements in stack 8. Destroy stack: return all nodes of stack to system CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Stack Applications: Balancing Symbols CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Stack Applications: Infix to Postfix conversion The conversion time is O(n) CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Postfix expression evaluation The evaluation time is O(n) CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
Backtracking backtracking is a general algorithm for finding all (or some) solutions to some computational problem, that incrementally builds candidates to the solutions, and abandons each partial candidate c ("backtracks") as soon as it determines that c cannot possibly be completed to a valid solution. classic example of the use of backtracking is the eight queens puzzle, that asks for all arrangements of eight queens on a standard chessboard so that no queen attacks any other. an important tool for solving constraint satisfaction problems, such as crosswords, verbal arithmetic, Sudoku, and many other puzzles. Sep CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Stack Applications: Backtracking CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Stack Applications: Backtracking CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Print path to goal Algorithm seekGoal (val map ) This algorithm determines the path to a desired goal. Prea graph containing the path Postpath printed 1 Stack=createStack 2 pMap= pMap 3 loop (pMap not null AND goalNotFound) 1 if (pMap is goal) 1 set goalNoFound to false 2 else 1 pushStack (stack,pMap) 2 if (pMapis a branch point) 1 loop (more branch point) 1 create branchPoint node 2 pushStack (stack, branchPoint) 3 advance to next node 4 if (emptyStack (stack)) 1 print (There is no path to your goal) 5 else 1 print (The path to your goal is: ) 2 loop (not emptyStack (stack)) 1 popStack (stack, pMap) 2 if (pMap notbranchPoint) 1 print (pMAp->nodeName) 3 print (End of File) 6 destroyStack (stack) end seekGoal Running time is O(|E|+|V|)
9/15/ Stack Applications: Backtracking CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Stack Applications: Backtracking CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Eight queens problem Algorithm queen8 (boardSize ) Position chess queens on a game board so that no queen can capture any other queen. Pre boardSize is number of rows & collumns on board Post Queen’ position pointed createStack (stack) Set row to 1 Set col to 0 loop (row <= boardSize) loop (col <= boardSize AND row <= boardSize) add 1 to col if (not garded (row, col)) place queen at board [row] [col] pushStack (stack, [row, col]) add 1 to row set col to 0 loop (col >= boardSize) popStack (stack, [row, col]) remove queen at board[row] [col] printBoard (stack) CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ /** * Print List from ListNode p onwards. */ Public static void printlist (ListNode p) { /* 1*/if (p== nul) /* 2*/ return; /* 3*/ system.out.println(p.element); /* 4*/ printList(p.next); } Tail Recursion: bad use of recursion If the list contains 20,000 elements to print, there will be a stack of 20,000 activation records representing the nested calls of line 4. Activation records are typically large, so the program is likely to run out of stack space. CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Printing a list without recursion /** * Print List from ListNode p onward */ Public static void printList (ListNode p) { while (true) { if (p== null) return; system.out.println (p.element); p = p.next; { } Removal of tal recursion is so simple that some compilers do it automatically. CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Queue Queue uses FIFO (First-In, First-Out) Basic operations of Queue - Enqueue : adding an element to Queue () - Dequeue: removing an element from Queue () - QueueFront : Returns a reference to the value at the front of a non-empty queue - QueueRear: Returns a reference to the value at the rear of a non-empty queue Implementing a Queue - by an Array - by Linked list CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ The Queue concept CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Operation Enqueue CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Operation Dequeue CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Operation QueueFront CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Operation QueueRear CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Queue Operations CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Queue implemented by Array CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Is queue full? CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Circular Queue CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Queue implemented by linked list CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Queue data structure CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Operation algorithms on Queue 1. Create queue:create queue head based on dynamic memory 2. Enqueue:add an element on queue 3. Dequeue:remove an element from queue 4. Queue front:return an element at the front of queue 5. Queue rear: return an element at the rear of queue 6. Empty queue: returns true if queue is empty, else returns false 7. Full queue: returns true if queue is full, else returns false 8. Queue count: returns number of elements in queue 9. Destroy queue: returns memory allocated to queue to system CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Create and enqueue CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
9/15/ Applications of Queue Queue simulation Categorizing Data CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
15-Sep CSE221/ICT221 Analysis and Design of Algorithms