Remember! Vaccination does not give absolute 100% protection to each and every animal or every herd Vaccination does not replace good biosecurity/biocontainment management practices.
Vaccine Handling Rules #1-3 1.Read label 2.Read label 3.Read label
Label Directions Proper temperature – Refrigerate most vaccines – Refrigeration means 40 0 F, not 20 0, not 60 0 Proper route of administration – IM (intramuscular) – SQ (Subcutaneous) – IN (Intranasal) – Oral.
Label Directions Proper species Proper dose Proper time (including boosters as necessary).
Vaccine Types Killed Modified Live (MLV) Antibodies/Antitoxins.
Vaccine Types Killed – all organisms are inactivated – No potential for any live germs to cause disease.
Vaccine Types Killed – Induce primarily antibody development in the vaccinated animal against very specific organisms – Usually multi-dose vials – Usually requires booster dose first time.
Vaccine Types Modified Live Vaccine (MLV) – Live disease-causing organism is treated in a way such that it induces an immune response without causing disease – Modern technology has made this very safe.
Vaccine Types Modified Live Vaccine (MLV) – Induces two forms of protection in the animal: antibodies as well as cell-mediated immunity – Typically involves mixing liquid and dry components and must be used immediately – Usually does not require a booster first time.
Vaccine Types Antibodies/Antitoxins – Created by hyperimmunizing animals and taking antibodies from their serum and putting into oral or injectable form – Allows for instant presence of antibodies to fight disease – Few exist - most common, E coli (First Defense), tetanus antitoxin.
What is the best, all natural vaccine we have?
Colostrum The future of your herd is born with NO antibodies
Colostrum & Calves Antibodies in colostrum are required for the first several months of that calf’s life to fight off ALL infectious agents, including scours, navel-ill, pneumonia Antibodies are “herd-specific” for each farm
Colostrum & Calves ASAP – not 12 hours later “4 quarts in 4 hours” Minimum 100 grams immunoglobulins (antibodies).
Colostrum & Calves Colostrum and feeding containers must be CLEAN Cow should be Johne’s negative and BLV (Leukosis) negative in tested herds.
Colostrum & Calves We can influence the antibodies in colostrum with proper vaccinations at the proper time
Summary Biosecurity and biocontainment are not just big words to be ignored We need to reconsider how we bring additions into our herds – what risks are we comfortable with? We need to evaluate how we handle different age groups of cattle on our farms Vaccination is VERY important but NOT a substitute for good management We need to develop a vaccination program for every animal in every herd Colostrum, colostrum, colostrum