Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals What are Atoms and Elements? What is Crystal Structure? What are the Most Abundant Elements in the How Do We Identify Minerals? What are the Physical Properties of Minerals? Earth’s Crust?
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at Specimen of Granite Figure 5.1
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at Model of Crystal Structure of Halite (or Table Salt) Figure 5.2
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at Water Molecule Box 5.1
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at (A) Model, and (B) Schematic of the Oxygen Atom Figure 5.3
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at (A) Helium Atom, and (B) Neon Atom Figure 5.4
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at (A) Sodium Ion, and (B) Chlorine Ion Figure 5.5
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at Crustal Abundance of Elements Table 5.1
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at Ionic Bonding between Sodium and Chlorine Box 5.2 – Figure 1
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at Carbon Atoms Covalently Bonded, as in Diamond Box 5.2 – Figure 2
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at The Silicon-Oxygen Tetrahedron Figure 5.6
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at Single Tetrahedrons (A, B) Require More Positively-Charged Ions to Maintain Electrical Neutrality Than Those Sharing an Oxygen Atom Figure 5.7
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at Common Silicate Structures Figure 5.8
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at Crystal Structure of Olivine Figure 5.9
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at (A) Model, and (B) Diagram of a Single-Chain Silicate Structure Figure 5.10
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at Minerals of the Earth’s Crust Table 5.2
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at Expansive Clays Box 5.4
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at Mohs’ Hardness Scale Table 5.3
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at Quartz Crystals with Interfacial Angles Figure 5.15
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at Geometric Forms Built by Stacking Cubes (A,B) and Rhombohedrons (C,D) Figure 5.16
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at Relationship of Cubes to Part of a Halite Crystal Figure 5.17
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at Relationship of Mica to Cleavage Figure 5.18b
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at Possible Types of Mineral Cleavage Figure 5.19
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at X-Ray Passes Through a Crystal and is Deflected by the Atoms into a Pattern of Beams Figure 5.25
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at Bancroft: Mineral Capital of Canada Box 5.5 Photo by N. Eyles
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at Answers to Selected Testing Your Knowledge Questions B A D B A D F B C D D A C
Chapter 5: Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Visit the Online Learning Centre at Additional Resources Student Resources Student Online Learning Centre The robust Student Edition of the Online Learning Centre at features quizzes for study and review, interactive exercises and animation, as well as additional boxed readings, searchable glossary, “Virtual Vista” environments, suggestions for further reading, and much more! Laboratory Manual The Lab Manual to accompany Physical Geology and the Environment has been created as a resource for laboratory sessions in physical geology, mirroring the "Inquiry-Based Approach" of the text. Structured on exercises and corresponding background concepts, the lab manual contains student-friendly worksheets, and has been perforated for easy lab use. Instructor Resources Instructor Online Learning Centre The OLC at includes a password-protected Web site for Instructors. The site offers downloadable supplements and access to PageOut, the McGraw-Hill Ryerson Web site development centre. Instructor’s Manual – The IM contains a chapter overview, list of changes per chapter, chapter learning objectives, further information on boxed features, short and long discussion/essay questions, and details on additional readings and resources outside the textbook. Test Bank – Contains a bank of multiple-choice and true/false questions per chapter. Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation – This presentation system offers visual presentations that may be edited and manipulated to fit a particular course format. They also contain selected solutions to the problem material. Transparencies A set of more than 200 transparencies tied to the text content are available for instructors.