AGATA Local Level Processing Present implementation Daniele, Dino, Enrico, Francesco
Structure of EDAQ Detector preamps Digitisers Tracking Control, Storage… Event Builder/Merger Pre-processing PSA Core + 36 seg. Gobal Trigger Clock 100 MHz T-Stamp Ancillary Detectors Ancillary Global Level Detector Level
Goals of the local level processing Manage all processing that is done on the germanium detectors –Readout the front end electronics Local event builder to merge the data of master and slave ATCA carrier cards Write the events into Crystal Frame –Preparation of data: -> calibrations, cross-talk corrections, timing,… –Pulse Shape Analysis –Tracking (formally part of the global level processing)
Implementation issues Extremely difficult to write programs in a distributed parallel environment as Narval –Almost no debugging tools (up to printouts) Joa Ljungvall has developed an emulator (C_Test) based on shared libraries loaded at runtime (like in narval) major step forward allowing the the use of debug and profiling tools (gdb, valgrind, KDevelop…) Two-class approach: –Most usual tasks (set-up and decoding/recoding of the events from/to adf frames ) taken up by the mother class –algo-specific parts (e.g. PSA, Tracking) can be done by an inherited class that re-implements the Process() virtual method –The driver program (“Narval emulator”) loads the shared libraries and takes care of passing the data from Based on this, a self contained emulator was developed locally with the driver program (WinCtest) extended to handle several crystals in parallel, an event builder and a (pseudo) merger for ancillary data
Emulator WinCtest Written using the free Microsoft IDE Visual Studio Express by (mainly because of its excellent Debugger) Runs on Cygwin and GNU Linux using the gcc toolchain –The makefiles for Linux produce the used in Narval Multi-core CPUs exploited using threads provided by the Boost library (version > 1.35) Joa’s C_Test is still used as a final test before going to Narval Don’t use the emulator if you analyse more then 1 ATC Install and learn to use Narval
Organization of directories source code narval_emulator misc_actors1 filters filters/Preprocessing WinCtest environment variable ADF_CONF_PATH Still using a “local” version of ADF
Readout CrystalProducer/CrystalProducerATCA The main problem to solve was the readout of the master and slave ATCA cards in such a way that they do not block each other –Readout performed by 2 independent threads and bounded buffers (ring buffers) –Synchronization with the main program done using mutex and conditions All this can be excluded when reading data from files (by not defining the USETHREADS symbol) The local event builder is derived from previous work done to merge the 10 TNT2 digitizers used previously as DAQ of a single crystal The events are formatted into an ADF data:crystal frames Estimated readout is ~50 kevents/s (not using adf methods), which is the design goal of AGATA This is still a Mother-Daughter class approach but will probably be merged into a single class as it is unlikely to be changed much The original data can be written to disk and replayed with the same program –Very useful to develop and debug the programs –Usually we write the locally merged data –This is the bottleneck of the whole processing chain 1 event = 14 kiB Used also to read ancillary data (DANTE) in the 2009-week27 test
Preprocessing PreprocessingFilter/PreprocessingFilterPSA Decoding and recoding of events done by the mother class using the ADF methods (decoding the input could be done without) Data processing (Process method) is done in the daughter class, also heavily based on previous work with the single crystal –Energy calibrations and cross-talk corrections –Calibration and xTalk coefficient produced automatically by a set of program and procedures prepared by Francesco. –Baseline removal and energy calibration of traces (no cross talk correction yet) –Digital CFD applied to the core to better determine T0 Loss of efficiency at low energy (which we tried to avoid in the front end electronics by using a LE discriminator) All traces are shifted event-by-event by the same (integer) amount The subsample interpolation of T0 passed to the PSA but not presently used –Several Energy and Time spectra displayed with GRU or saved to disk in a flat binary format. The output format is data:ccrystal frames with 80 samples as 4-byte floats instead of the original byte shorts –~same size as input Estimated throughput is 5 kevents/s/process –xTalk correction of traces could slow down significantly
PSA PSAFilter/PSAFilterGridSearch Input data decoded to local structures using adf methods Grid Search algo by Roberto Venturelli ported originally to the the daughter class by Joa –Reads the signal basis (binary format) in the initialization phase –Multi-segment events are decomposed in single-segment hits –Assumes only 1 interaction in the hit segments –Does not (normally) use the net-charge signal but only nearest neighbours in the search –The actual grid search can done in parallel either by multiple instances of the actor (Narval feature) or by assigning it to worker threads running in one process – ~0.5 kevents/s/core with the full search – ~4 kevents/s/core with a 2-steps search –Several spectra or matrices to be displayed with ViGRU or written as flat binaries to disk. Output data formatted as data:psa frames (~200 B/hit which could be reduced a lot by using float instead of double and removing the errors which are not calculated by this algorithm)
Ancillary readout AncillaryProducerTCP Written by Enrico Calore –TCP server using the skstream –Non blocking –Data formatted as data:ranc0 (a plain array of integer numbers plus timestamp and event number in the key part of the frame) –Not using ADF –Original data can be saved to disk and replayed like for the CrystalProducers
Ancillary processing AncillaryFilter/AncillaryFilterDante Developed first for Dante (data taken with the AGATA electronics) Being extended now by Daniele and Enrico for PRISMA Mother-daughter structure similar to the other actors –Decoding from ADF data:ranc0 frames done by the SetInput() in the mother class –Analysis done by Process() in the daughter class Calibrations analysis of DANTE to obtain the recoil velocity vector (in the AGATA reference frame) analysis of PRISMA to select reaction channel and determine velocity vector in the PRISMA/AGATA reference frame –Coding back to data:ranc1 done by SetOutput() in the mother class Francesco has added the possibility to write the data into raw binary files or a root tree This is the most variable part of the online libraries and needs to be organized carefully
EventBuilder C++ version to emulate the Narval (ADA) event builder written by Xavier Grave –Builds events using timestamp or event number –Data formatted as event:data:psa –For ancillaries: First, data:ranc1 frames are packed together with data:psa frames into event:data:psa Then a merger function is called to reformat the event:data:psa frame into an event:data frame, containing the event:data:psa and the data:ranc1 frames The ancillary part is enabled by the AddMerger keyword in the setup-file EventBuilder.conf
Tracking TrackingFilter/TrackingFilterOFT Mother class in charge of set-up and decoding (SetInput) and recoding (SetOutput) Orsay Forward Tracking implemented in the daughter class (Process methods) This actor is presently used also to control the experiment/analysis but this stuff should be moved to other actors (e.g. PreTracking and PostTracking) or to the watchers With 2 ATCs can handle ~2 kevents/second/process Should run multiple instances in parallel (Narval)
Organization directories data taking and offline analysis zCurrentNarvalDataDir Data Out ConfConf/1R Conf/Ancillary Standardized names for directories and (most of the) configuration files Should introduce environment variables to point to the actual directories
Topology for 2 ATCs + Ancillary Chain 31R/ Producer CrystalProducerATCA FilterPreprocessingFilterPSA FilterPSAFilterGridSearch Chain 3 1G/ Producer CrystalProducerATCA Filter PreprocessingFilterPSA Filter PSAFilterGridSearch Chain 3 1B/ Producer CrystalProducerATCA Filter PreprocessingFilterPSA Filter PSAFilterGridSearch Chain 32R/ Producer CrystalProducerATCA Filter PreprocessingFilterPSA Filter PSAFilterGridSearch Chain 3 2G/ Producer CrystalProducerATCA Filter PreprocessingFilterPSA Filter PSAFilterGridSearch Chain 3 2B/ Producer CrystalProducerATCA Filter PreprocessingFilterPSA Filter PSAFilterGridSearch Chain 2./ Builder EventBuilder Filter TrackingFilterOFT ~3 GiB of memory needed Make your tests with 1 or 2 crystals and run the real analysis in Narval