RICH PylosR. Gernhäuser (TU-München) The HADES RICH High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer The HADES Spectrometer Special requirements RICH setup.


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Presentation transcript:

RICH PylosR. Gernhäuser (TU-München) The HADES RICH High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer The HADES Spectrometer Special requirements RICH setup –Mirror –Window –Photon detector Preliminary results from 12 C- 12 C [1.0 AGeV] Outlook For the HADES Collaboration

RICH PylosR. Gernhäuser (TU-München) Motivation SIS / GSI :heavy ion, proton,pion beams 0   3   0  T  80 MeV HADES: systematic dilepton spectroscopy meson prod. in  A / pA :    T = 0 MeV meson prod. in  p / pp :  0, T = 0 MeV meson prod. in AA :    T = 80  MeV Properties of hadrons in strong int. matter: M,  vs ,  B, T, V Vector meson , ,  spectral functions measurements Hadron’s structure: VDM, Form factors, vector meson-nucleon inter. Dalitz and two-body decays, pN,  N reactions

RICH PylosR. Gernhäuser (TU-München) Magnet SC. toroid ( 6 coils)  in      Lepton Identification RICH C 4 F 10 + gas Phot. Det. CsI - cathode META TOF scintillator wall + Pre-Shower detector p/  identification META and tracking Tracking p – measurement, vertex reconstruction MDC Drift chambers  x ~ 80  m (  ) High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer

RICH PylosR. Gernhäuser (TU-München) experiment hall CsI based MWPC with gas radiator Design Constraints beam intensity10 8 /s central collisions10 5 /s ch. particles < 200/evt lepton pairs10 3 /s MesonMass (MeV/c 2 )  (MeV/c 2 ) dominant decay e+e-/e+e-/  2  2  K N 0 ~ 100 fast high granularity hadron blind Trigger device

RICH PylosR. Gernhäuser (TU-München) Fast Photon Detector  6 sector shaped MWPCs with 2.4 mm gap  5*10 4 < gain < 1* V  signal coupling on several pads  solid CsI photon converter on special substrate material (RSG)

RICH PylosR. Gernhäuser (TU-München) Photon Detector Shape – 4712 pads/sector, individually shaped 4.5 mm < y < 7 mm, x = 6.6mm – GASSIPLEX based FE-electronics – 10  s conversion time ring radius [pads] polar angle [°] A trigger device for  ~ 1 particles constant ring radius

RICH PylosR. Gernhäuser (TU-München) Mirror Ø 150 cm, R = 871 mm, d = 2 mm Poly – Carbon –rad. length X 0 = 28cm –18 panels polished Float Glass –rad. length X 0 = 14cm –6 panels, molded J. Friese (Saturday afternoon)

RICH PylosR. Gernhäuser (TU-München) CaF 2 - Window Crystal window Ø = 140cm 64 CaF 2 hexagonal crystals Ø = 20cm, d = 5mm  p < 5mbar

RICH PylosR. Gernhäuser (TU-München) The Eye of HADES Commissioning in 2001 Full HADES Setup (! outer tracking) 10 8 events C – C 1-2 AGeV 400  m Carbon fiber radiator shell

RICH PylosR. Gernhäuser (TU-München) Typical Pattern Data Nov. 2001, C - E = 1 AGeV

RICH PylosR. Gernhäuser (TU-München) RICH online Lepton ID Ring recognition algorithm (fixed radius) –Ring radius (+) inner and outer veto regions (-) –Threshold on positive and negative quality parameters J. Lehnert (Sunday morning) Reference of qualitative and quantitative detector response needed

RICH PylosR. Gernhäuser (TU-München) Calibration Measurement (OEM online efficiency measurement) Calibration Measurement (OEM online efficiency measurement) calibrated light source! Photons produced by 600 AMeV 12 C beam particles passing two different solid radiators

RICH PylosR. Gernhäuser (TU-München) OEM results N0 > 90 Radial distribution of photons represents spectral sensitivity of the detector L. Fabbietti (Sunday morning) 200 nm145 nm 200 nm 163 nm single 12 C hit beam pipe shadow

RICH PylosR. Gernhäuser (TU-München) Dominant Dilepton Sources  e+e+ e-e- Conversion e+e+ e-e- 00  Dalitz 7 M events AGeV opening angle [°] cut on opening angle combinatory pairs negligible

RICH PylosR. Gernhäuser (TU-München) The Ring Properties Rings from single leptons e + e - pair with 1 track/ring Th. Eberl (Sunday afternoon) momentum [MeV/c] polar angle [°] Efficiency of Ring recognition

RICH PylosR. Gernhäuser (TU-München) Lepton ID with TOF and RICH TOF[ns] preliminary Data: Nov01 C-C 2.0 AGeV q*momentum ––

RICH PylosR. Gernhäuser (TU-München) Lepton ID online - offline  Full HADES simulation and data analysis  RQMD ev.generator q* momentum [e*MeV/c] N e /N  + preliminary Correlation of rings found by hardware or software image processing A. Toia (Sunday morning)

RICH PylosR. Gernhäuser (TU-München) Outlook HADES comes into operation (e/  p sep., LVL2 trig., tracking) 3 MDC layer will be completed this summer (  p  3% for  /  ) Phase I (2002 – 2003) : (acc. proposals S200,S262)  Continuum below M inv < 600 MeV/c 2 ;  0 Dalitz in C+C (more statistics)  High statistics e +,e - production in HI reactions C+ 1 – 2 AGeV (compare to DLS)  e + e - production in  - p  – 1.3 GeV/c (below and above threshold for   e + e - pair acceptances pp  pp   pp e + e -

RICH PylosR. Gernhäuser (TU-München) Full Lepton ID (RICH,MDC,META)  Full HADES simulation and data analysis  RQMD ev.generator q* momentum [e*MeV/c] e- e+ N e /N  + simul.  RICH-Track(MDC-META) RICH & fast tof &shower MDC I/II (inner ) preliminary Data: Nov01 C-C 2.0 AGeV magnetic field

RICH PylosR. Gernhäuser (TU-München) OEM results N0 > 90 Radial distribution of photons represents spectral sensitivity of the detector L. Fabbietti (Sunday morning) 200 nm 145 nm 200 nm 163 nm single 12 C hit beam pipe shadow