What are the Professional Development needs of Teachers? Multiple and complementary professional development opportunities provided to suit the different needs of principals and teachers and to cater for the ways adult learn.
2 Components of the Programmes for Specific Subject Teachers : (1) Understanding and interpreting the curriculum (2) Assessing student learning (3) Learning and teaching strategies (4) Enriching knowledge Others: (1)Management of change at the school level for school leadership (2) Guidance and counselling of students (3) OLE ……
3 Change of View on Knowledge Sources of Knowledge Education institution Everywhere Understanding of Knowledge Static Dynamic Structure of Knowledge Compartmental Holistic Nature of Knowledge Authority Personal and contextual
4 Nature of Knowledge Building Knowledge is an intrinsic part of Doing Things Knowledge is created between people Knowledge is constructed in collaborative meaning making
5 Tentative Distribution of Training Places for LS Teachers Components05/0606/0707/08 Understanding and interpreting the curriculum Assessing student learning Independent Enquiry Study Learning and teaching strategies 1200 Enriching knowledge 800
6 Second Survey on the New Academic Structure for Senior Secondary Education and Higher Education Questionnaires for Principals/Vice-principals Questionnaire for KLA Coordinators / Panel Heads
7 2.With more information about the new academic structure for senior secondary education and higher education, in particular the proposed supporting measures, which of the following NSS subjects would your school offer?
8 5. When will most of your teachers be engaged in professional development programmes for the new academic structure? 9. How will you arrange the activities for OLE in your school?
9 Cash grant dispersed to schools for 4 years –Cash grant equivalent to an average one GM at mid- point salary over a period of 4 years (2005/06 s.y. to 2008/09 s.y.) –Schools may: assign an NSS coordinator, create space for professional development of teachers (e.g. employing supply teachers or additional teachers to share the teaching load or create planning time for teachers within the school or provide relief for teachers attending training) What are the Ambits of the Teacher Professional Preparation Grant?