Hyperion in Georgia August 13, 2012 Hyperion in Georgia August 13, 2012
Page 2 Agenda ► History of Reporting in Georgia ► Hyperion Financial Management (HFM) Overview Benefits ► Project Highlights ► Overview of HFM Hyperion Dimensions Data Loads Rules Financial Reporting Sample Reports ► Q&A
Page 3 History of Reporting ► Georgia produces 5 main financial reports annually Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) Budgetary Compliance Report (BCR) Selected Summary Financial Information (Treasury Operations) Single Audit Report (SAR*) Section 1512 Reporting (produced quarterly) (ARRA*) For FY2010 & FY2011 reporting Hyperion was used for the CAFR, BCR and Treasury Operations. SAR and ARRA have not been migrated to Hyperion.
Page 4 History of Reporting ► 50 organizations are reported in the BCR ► Approximately 350 trial balances (comprised of ~130 organizations) are reported in the CAFR ~ 45 of the organizations reported in the CAFR are on a common ledger system (PeopleSoft). ► PeopleSoft primarily maintains ledgers on a statutory (budget) basis and is converted to GAAP reporting is collected through year-end forms. SAO utilizes the data on the year-end forms and other sources to post conversion entries in HFM. Data is also gathered from CPA audited financial statements for some organizations included in the CAFR.
Page 5 Challenges with Legacy System ► Time CAFR and BCR were not consistently being issued by required 12/31 deadline ► Cost Create separate import files for each organization Manually map each line of T/B to the applicable reporting line Consolidation of various reporting levels could take hours and the system (Caseware) often crashed prior to completion. Manually enter information collected in year-end forms to consolidate and prepare the notes Manually close out revenue/expense ► Quality Difficult to analyze data across funds (i.e., cash for a single entity)
Page 6 Solution: Hyperion ► Web based application Accessible by users in multiple locations ► State Owned and Operated SAO owns both the results and the system Minimal to no IT support required ► Packaged Application Out-of-the-box financial intelligence – minimal ongoing consulting ► Drill-back capability Allows for drill-back to source system data Microsoft Office Add-In (SmartView) Allows users to retrieve data from and submit data to Excel
Page 7 Solution: Hyperion Financial Management (HFM)
Page 8 Benefits of HFM ► Reduce cycle time Automate data load for agencies using statewide accounting system (PeopleSoft) with the use of FDM Automate journal entries, where possible Ability to post journal entries across multiple agencies Allocation of investment pool holdings Remove encumbrances in conversion from Budget Fund to General Fund Lease and capital asset / accumulated depreciation entries Data forms and Excel SmartView spreadsheet upload tools allow for input of additional data Trial balance for non-PeopleSoft users loaded via SmartView Supplemental data used for the NTFS (i.e., Capital Asset changes and debt service to maturity details)
Page 9 Benefits of HFM ► Improve Quality Standardized mapping for common G/L users and ability to load data in a single upload file Reduced load time provides additional time to analyze data Data can be reviewed across organizations and fund types from a single system Ability to more efficiently analyze year over year trends and provide support for MD&A analysis ► Flexibility Easy to create and modify excel files to retrieve data from HFM using SmartView No limit to the number of Excel SmartView files
Page 10 Project Highlights ► Entire timeline took less than 6 months to complete Used a consulting firm to assist with application setup ► SmartView functionality made it easy to convert write-up files from prior system to Hyperion links ► Created rules in HFM thereby reducing the number of AJEs required ► Created supplemental data accounts to track dates received and applicability status of year-end forms ► Utilized an Excel JE template to upload journals to HFM (maximum of 5K lines long)
Page 11 Reporting ► Examples of Reports in FASTR/SmartView Trial Balance BCR and CAFR Statements Journal Entry Report ► Hyperion Financial Reporting Studio report template will be created to support report production
Page 12 Sample BCR (SmartView version)
Page 13 Sample CAFR (SmartView version)
Page 14 Test Case ► Day before CAFR is to be released Material Error to Beginning Capital Asset amount for Discretely Presented Component Unit ► What do I need to do? Enter AJE Enter Supplemental Data Consolidate Data Click “Refresh” with Smartview files and statements, NTFS, MD&A, check files, and analytics ► Done! ► All changes are done
Page 15 Contact Information ► Alan Skelton State Accounting Officer ► Kris Martins Director – Financial Reporting
Page 16
Page 17 Appendix
Page 18 HFM Dimensions DimensionDescription ScenarioRepresents a set of related data, such as Original Budget, Amended Budget or Actual. YearRepresents the fiscal or calendar year for the data (i.e., 2010 or 2011) PeriodRepresents time periods, such as year, quarters, and months. ViewPeriodic, year-to-date, and quarter-to-date. – State of Georgia is only YTD Intercompany PartnerUsed to track reporting organization information for Due to/from, Revenue Collections, Allotments Receivable/Payable and Transfers In/Out Value EC + ECA = ECT Per Books + J/Es = Reported EntityBusiness Unit and Fund, i.e _10100, 47400_10200 AccountHierarchy of accounts created for Budget Funds, Governmental Funds, Business Type Activities, Fiduciary, and Component Units Custom 1Budget Reference, Stat-to-GAAP Adjustments Custom 2Funding Sources: State, Federal, ARRA, Other Custom 3Programs: All programs in State Appropriations Acts Custom 4Agency fund Addition/Deletions, as well as changes in balances (i.e., Capital Assets or Long-term liabilities)
Page 19 Loading Data - FDM Mapping Table: Import – Validate – Export data:
Page 20 Loading Data - Excel T/B shell from agency: Load Tab in T/B shell file:
Page 21 Rules ► Rules are used to automate calculations of data within an application ► Rules are also used to set and clear values, consolidate data, and control data input Agency fund Revenue/Expense closeout Balancing
Page 22 Sample Metadata