Interpreting Prophecy © John Stevenson, 2010
Date of Writing Events of Acts took place Acts was written during this Period Fall of Jerusalem 45 A.D. ─ Herod Agrippa dies (Acts 12:20-23). 49 A.D. ─ Claudius issues edict banning Jews from Rome (Acts 18:2). 51 A.D. ─ Gallio appointed prconsul of Achaia for a one-year term 59 A.D. ─ Festus becomes procuator of Judea (Acts 24:27).
Observations on Acts Acts is a book of Victory Acts is essentially about the ministries of Peter and Paul –Mistakes and successes –Discouragement and great courage Narratives are not necessarily normative Preaching in the Book of Acts Prayer in the Book of Acts
Luke Begins with an address to most excellent Theophilus Acts Begins with an address to Theophilus Announcement made by angel Gabriel Announcement made by two angels Begins in Jerusalem Birth of Jesus as the Spirit comes on Mary Birth of the Church as the Spirit comes on believers There is a movement toward Jerusalem There is a movement away from Jerusalem
Witness to the Resurrection This Jesus God raised up again, to which we are all witnesses (Acts 2:32). But you disowned the Holy and Righteous One, and asked for a murderer to be granted to you, 15 but put to death the Prince of life, the one whom God raised from the dead, a fact to which we are witnesses. (Acts 3:14-15). With great power the apostles were giving witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and abundant grace was upon them all (4:32). And we are witnesses of these things; and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey Him. (Acts 5:32).
Jerusalem Judea Samaria
1 Primarily Peter Church Established Preparation Church Foretold 2 Church Born 3 Church Dispersed Church Witnessing 6 Church Organized 7 Peter & Others Church Scattered Church Expanding 9 Church Dispersed 10 Gentiles in the Church 13 Primarily Paul Church Extended First Missionary Journey 15 Church in Conference 16 Second Missionary Journey 19 Third Missionary Journey 21 Paul Imprisoned Paul in Jerusalem 24 Paul in Caesarea 27 Paul in Rome
How does the book of Revelation relate to the prophecies of the Old Testament?How does the book of Revelation relate to the prophecies of the Old Testament? How would the message of Revelation related to the believers of the first century?How would the message of Revelation related to the believers of the first century? How do these chapters relate to the issue of Christian discipleship now?How do these chapters relate to the issue of Christian discipleship now?
Vision of Jesus and Seven letters to seven churches Throne of God & Scroll with seven seals 8-11 Seven trumpets Christ, the Dragon & the Seven Bowls The Harlot on Seven Hills & the Bride 20 The King reigns New Heaven & New Earth Each ends with a promise of 2 nd Coming Christ wipes away every tear (7:17) Christ will reign forever & ever (11:15) Fall of the nations “It is done” (16:17) Rider on the White Horse (19:16) Judge & Lake of Fire I am coming quickly (22:20)
Symbolism in Revelation Old Testament AllusionsOld Testament Allusions –One like the Son of Man –Lion of the Tribe of Judah
Symbolism in Revelation Old Testament AllusionsOld Testament Allusions –One like the Son of Man –Lion of the Tribe of Judah –The Four Horsemen
Symbolism in Revelation Old Testament AllusionsOld Testament Allusions –One like the Son of Man –Lion of the Tribe of Judah –The Four Horsemen –The Two Witnesses
Symbolism in Revelation Old Testament AllusionsOld Testament Allusions –One like the Son of Man –Lion of the Tribe of Judah –The Four Horsemen –The Two Witnesses Temple languageTemple language
Symbolism in Revelation Old Testament AllusionsOld Testament Allusions –One like the Son of Man –Lion of the Tribe of Judah –The Four Horsemen –The Two Witnesses Temple languageTemple language –Jesus with the Lampstands
Symbolism in Revelation Old Testament AllusionsOld Testament Allusions –One like the Son of Man –Lion of the Tribe of Judah –The Four Horsemen –The Two Witnesses Temple languageTemple language –Jesus with the Lampstands –The 24 Elders –The Crystal Sea
Symbolism in Revelation Old Testament AllusionsOld Testament Allusions –One like the Son of Man –Lion of the Tribe of Judah –The Four Horsemen –The Two Witnesses Temple languageTemple language –Jesus with the Lampstands –The 24 Elders –The Crystal Sea –The ark of the covenant
And they gathered them together to the place which in Hebrew is called Har-Magedon. (Revelation 16:16)
Church Age Eternal State Second Coming Judgment Revelation 20 literally Takes the language of “the last day” figuratively Rev. 1-3Rev. 4-19Rev. 20 (“Rapture”) Tribulation Millennium
Church Age Rev. 1-3Rev. 4-19Rev. 20 “Rapture” Tribulation Millennium Eternal State Second Coming Judgment Artificially separates between different comings of Christ Tries to segregate Israel and church
Church Age Rev (Millennium) Eternal State (Tribulation) Views Revelation 20 as symbolic language Takes the language of “the last day” literally Second Coming Judgment “Rapture”
Church Age Rev. 1-19Rev. 20 Millennium Eternal State “Rapture” Judgment Second Coming Envisions the gospel as being victorious Takes the language of “the last day” literally
Short Millennium “Rapture” Judgment Second Coming Church (Eternal State) 70 A.D. Denies any future Second Coming of Christ All prophecy fulfilled in the year 70 A.D. Rev.