Homework Produce a tourist brochure (use template) for a Roman town. It could be Canterbury or Pompeii but must include references to the following: Produce a tourist brochure (use template) for a Roman town. It could be Canterbury or Pompeii but must include references to the following: Descriptions of typical buildings to be found, e.g. forum & basilica Descriptions of typical buildings to be found, e.g. forum & basilica References to facilities, e.g. baths References to facilities, e.g. baths Descriptions of the designs of luxury villas outside the city, e.g. different rooms & decorations Descriptions of the designs of luxury villas outside the city, e.g. different rooms & decorations Show high quality presentation & SPAG skills Show high quality presentation & SPAG skills Do some research into crime & punishment in Roman times to show how safe the town was Do some research into crime & punishment in Roman times to show how safe the town was
Starter activity. Watch this clip. What would life have been like for people living through these changes? How do you think Roman people would have explained what happened?
What was life like the day Pompeii was destroyed? To investigate life in a typical Roman city and write a diary entry based on sources Learning objectives Key words: pyroclastic pumice
Your task Around the room you will find information on different features you would be likely to find in a Roman town. Around the room you will find information on different features you would be likely to find in a Roman town. In your books you must explain In your books you must explain What the feature is What the feature is Why it would be beneficial for a town to have it Why it would be beneficial for a town to have it Note down any potential problems with the features, e.g. they might cause health problems Note down any potential problems with the features, e.g. they might cause health problems
Your task The British Museum wants to hold a touring exhibition of its recent show on Pompeii. Which 3 objects will you choose? The British Museum wants to hold a touring exhibition of its recent show on Pompeii. Which 3 objects will you choose? Extension: What are the problems associated with using some of the objects? Extension: What are the problems associated with using some of the objects?
Your task. Imagine you are one of the figures trapped in ash at Pompeii. Write a diary entry for your last day in the city. Use as many of the artefacts we have studied as you can as well as evidence from the film and knowledge of Roman towns or cities.
Needs improving SatisfactoryWOW factor! Includes at least 2 of artefacts Limited uses of technical vocab. Some description of events from the day Includes 3 artefacts Uses some well-chosen technical terms Describes some events and people from the film. Includes all the key features of the task: location, main buildings, how money will be raised & extension question Uses detailed technical vocab., e.g. aqueduct, amphitheatre Refers to key individuals such as Pliny or events such as the pyroclastic flow or the column of ash & pumice
Extension task Conduct some research into Roman Canterbury. How similar or different was Roman Canterbury to the towns you have studied today?
What was life like the day Pompeii was destroyed? To investigate life in a typical Roman city and write a diary entry based on sources Learning objectives Key words: pyroclastic flow