Leadership Forum 4
Welcome and Overview Tina Renshaw R/Associate Director Organisational Capability
MORE THAN YOU IMAGINE Networking Welcome and Overview Tina Renshaw 9.05 – Director’s Update David Riordan A Moving Feast - the VET marketplace John Ross Leadership Training insights LH Martin Program Russell Scott Morning tea Workshop: Employee Enragement James Adonis 12: :50 Leadership Mentoring Take 2 Program Reflections from participants Robby Weatherley, Di Craven, Lyndall Fitzpatrick Closing remarks Tina Renshaw Leadership Forum
Director’s Update David Riordan Institute Director
A Moving feast – the VET Market John Ross
Report on Leadership Training 2011 LH Martin Program Russell Scott, Director St George College
Flickr slideshow Morning Tea
Workshop: Employee Enragement James Adonis
Leadership Initiatives 2011/2012
MORE THAN YOU IMAGINE Take Two – Mentoring Program – A Leadership Development approach A dynamic experience that allows the sharing of professional and personal expertise and experiences through conversation Reflection with colleagues benefits both parties Principles of the mentoring program
MORE THAN YOU IMAGINE THE EFFECTIVE MENTOR Attributes and personal characteristics Benefits Creating an environment of trust, respect and openness where professional learning and growth can occur Establishing a climate within established boundaries, that supports a thoughtful and confidential relationship Listening carefully and asking questions and providing relevant feedback for professional growth Identifying options and professional learning strategies to achieve goals
MORE THAN YOU IMAGINE An awareness and desire for personal change Engaging with the mentor in an open manner Asking questions that will assist you to improve your practice Recognising boundaries Engaging in opportunities for personal and professional learning The Mentee role
Closing Remarks Tina Renshaw R/Associate Director Organisational Capability
Flickr slideshow Best wishes for a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year