WELCOME TO OPEN HOUSE Advanced Content Social Studies Mrs. Pakbaz 6 th Grade
ACSS Focus To involve students in a variety of activities regarding world events while promoting critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making skills.
Areas of Study Geography Skills Europe & Russia Canada Latin America Australia/Oceania
Requirements for ACSS To stay in good standing for AC classes: Must maintain an 80% in their AC classes Cannot be on probation for more than one semester during the school year
Class Information Homework – If homework becomes too much or your child is overwhelmed, please let us know. – Sometimes we don’t realize the struggles a child goes through at home to complete their work. Agenda has monthly calendars. Record projects, tests, quizzes on monthly calendars. Stress to students the importance of not putting work off ‘til the last day Evaluations – Tests – Quizzes – Projects (rubrics) – Class/group participation
The Key is … COMMUNICATION! Blogs Agenda Synergy BLOG/Agenda Color Coded: Test—red Homework—green Classwork---black Extra info---blue I always add a comment (reason given to me by student) if work is not turned in and/or is incomplete.
Lines of Communication Blog Name: Pakbaz’s Passport to the World Blog Address: McClure Middle School #s Phone Number: Planning Time: 2:45 – 4:00
Develop a routine to check your student’s agenda, including Behavior Card, the BLOGS & homework each evening. McClure's Blogs
Students are required to write assignments & homework in their agenda each day color coding it as I have on the assignment board.
Students are responsible to check BLOG and write in agenda what they missed. Then see teachers during homeroom to pick up handouts and set date to make up any work/tests they missed and/or set up a help session. ABSENT???
BYOD Bring Your Own Device 6 th grade Social Studies classes will train students on BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). A student must pass a test, have written parent approval (A special form will be given to student.), be given a sticker, AND have teacher approval prior to using a device in class. DEVICES CANNOT BE USED IN THE HALLWAY OR CAFETERIA.
What materials will students need? Text book and other resources online: Pearson World Studies Every day at school: Please label all notebooks, binders, etc. Three ring binder—Shared with other teachers. Notebook paper Spiral notebook – Separate one for each class. 3-4 #2 Pencils in a zipper bag 5-6 Colored pencils
Students will sometimes have homework that involves using the computer. I will provide students with alternate ways of completing the work if they do not have computer access. If you have questions, please let me know.
Ask your student questions about class. Be specific and include “Why” questions. Help student review for quizzes and tests. Be certain he/she gets plenty of rest. Help student keep all social studies papers organized in the correct section of their binder and have all their supplies daily. Don’t throw out any papers, unless directed to do so by teacher. WAYS TO HELP YOUR CHILD BE SUCCESSFUL IN 6TH GRADE
Thanks for being involved!! First of all, thank you for supporting your child’s teachers by attending Open House. If you could not attend, thank you for viewing this PPT!! Thanks to all of you who have sent in a box of Kleenex. Also, thank you for signing up to help where needed…. 6 th grade event, field trips, Maverick store, putting up bulletin boards, Renaissance, etc. If you did not get a chance to sign up on the hallway bulletin board, send me an and I’ll add your name. Thanks! We really appreciate your help!