September 2009 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Warm up 1 NONE 2 NONE 3 NONE 4 NONE Lesson First day of school activities Parent portal letter, dissection forms M&M Activity Self-Portrait “I can’t” funeral Goal Setting Make stars The way I see myself survey lesson from geese Immogenes’s antlers class overview – wiki, expectations, warm-ups, current events, class blog Hand out textbooks Fun IQ test Homework NONEFinish self-portraitFinish survey Back to School Night for 7 th Grade: 7pm Cover text book
September 2009 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Warm up 78 Why is it important to follow directions? 9 Give an example of something that uses energy 10 What is gravitational potential energy? 11 What is potential energy? Lesson NO SCHOOL Following Directions Lab Equipment Begin energy notes Chapter 5 Section 1 Slides 1 through 12 Do math break in textbook page 119 Make your own energy math questions and key (2 potential, 2 kinetic, 2 mechanical) and share with partner Work on chapter 5 reading guide Egg drop lab Potential and Kinetic Energy Movie and worksheet Work on reading guide Homework NONEDo partner’s math questions Finish LabNONE
September 2009 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Warm up 14 NONE 15 What is the definition of the scientific method? 16 Name at least three steps in the scientific method 17 How do you calculate gravitational potential energy? 18 NONE Lesson Scientific Method Activity Scientific method lab Complete scientific method lab Work on reading guide Make containers for egg drop lab Calculate the gravitational energy of egg Period 5 – finish work on notes as well as above Library to begin lab write up Explain electric lab And hand out rubric Go over proper lab format Make chart for electric lab Write procedure for PB and J Homework NONE Reading guide chapter 5 section 1 due 9/21 Bring flash drive to school tomorrow Work on reading guide Keep track of electric usage Work on reading guide
September 2009 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Warm up 21 What is kinetic energy? 22 What is chemical energy? 23 What type of energy can be found in the food that you eat? 24 What is electrical energy? 25 What is sound energy? Lesson Drop eggs off roof Notes slide Chemical energy lab Notes slides Bill Nye - electricity Notes slides Sound demonstration (can and tuning fork) Sound reading and questions Notes Show 03.sci.phys.mfw.spectru m/ - electromagnetic spectrum 03.sci.phys.mfw.spectru m/ Brainpop om/science/energy/for msofenergy/ om/science/energy/for msofenergy/ Homework Keep track of electric usage Study for chapter 5 section 1 quiz on 9/29 Keep track of electric usage Study for chapter 5 section 1 quiz on 9/29 Keep track of electric usage Study for chapter 5 section 1 quiz on 9/29 keep track of electric usage - last day of week 1 On Friday morning, start conserving for week 2 Study for chapter 5 section 1 quiz on 9/29 Keep track of electric usage while conserving Forms of energy review worksheet Study for chapter 5 section 1 quiz on 9/29
September 2009 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Warm up 2829 What is nuclear energy? 30 Can energy be transferred from one form to another? Lesson NO SCHOOL Chapter 5 section 1 quiz CB West evacuation drill Chapter 5 Section 2 notes - all Section review Homework Keep track of electric usage while conserving Finish section review Begin studying for chapter 5 test on 10/14