Activity 1: My skills
Personal, learning and thinking skills How would you describe these kinds of people? What do you think they would be good at? –Independent enquirers –Creative thinkers –Reflective learners –Team works –Self-managers –Effective participators
Independent enquirers I can plan and carry out research I can analyse and evaluate information I can explore and solve problems I can make reasoned decisions and present arguments
Creative thinkers I can come up with ideas I can explore new ideas and possibilities I can try out new ideas and adapt them as things change I can challenge and question my own and other’s ideas
Reflective learners I can assess myself and others I can set goals to work towards I can review my progress I can deal with constructive criticism
Team workers I can work with others towards a shared goal I can manage discussion I can provide constructive feedback to others I can adapt to different roles, including leadership
Self-managers I can work towards goals independently I can organise my time I can deal with pressure and adapt to change I can prioritise actions
Effective participators I can discuss issues I can present a case for action I can suggest practical steps to move things forward I can negotiate and try to influence others
Personal, learning and thinking skills Personal, learning and thinking skills are the skills and qualities that will help young people to succeed in work. They are things that employers will look for in their employees. When applying for jobs, it is good to demonstrate that you have these skills and this can be shown through your experience.
PLTS skills map Independent enquirers Creative thinkers Reflective learners Team workers Self-managers Effective participators Problem solving Analysis Research Creativity Innovation Data handling Experimentation Giving / accepting criticism Evaluation Cooperating LeadingCommunication Motivation Initiative Organised Risk taking Time management Discussion Negotiation Confidence
Your experience Use the skills map template. Against each personal, learning and thinking skill, try to think of a time that you have used those skills. For example: Completed a science project Designed my own website Organised a fundraising event Team leader for the enterprise challenge Independent enquirers Creative thinkers Reflective learners Team workers Self-managers Effective participators Produced a personal development plan Worked on the school council