Welcome to Anna Reynolds Elementary School Open House/Curriculum Night Thursday, September 11, 2014
Schedule for the Evening 6:30-7:00: Classroom Presentations for PreK, Grade 1, and Grade 4 6:30-7:00: Principal Presentation in Cafeteria for Kindergarten, Grade 2, and Grade 3 7:10-7:40: Classroom Presentations for Kindergarten, Grade 2, and Grade 3 7:10-7:40: Principal Presentation in Cafeteria for PreK, Grade 1, and Grade 4 6:30-7:40: Specials teachers are available to meet with parents in their rooms.
Communication Reynolds Reporter: bimonthly Website: most up-to-date; new vendor Rapid Notification: make sure your contact information is current—if not, contact us in writing – Closures and emergencies – Upcoming events; such as early-release days – Phone calls and s Start with teachers for questions: reasonable frequency
Curriculum: What is Current? Laptops in Grade 3; next year, Grade 4 Workshop model in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics Common Core State Standards alignment in Language Arts this year (Grades 1-4) Nonfiction libraries and use expanding continues MAP Assessments School goals: – Students’ critical thinking skills will improve by promoting inquiry, questioning, and discussion among adults and students. – Students will treat one another with respect. – Parents feel that there are opportunities for involvement in our school.
About Our Parent Engagement School Goal Opportunities for involvement abound and include: Sorting and reshelving books in our book rooms and media center Assisting with classroom celebrations Reading to and with our students Helping students practice sight words Making copies for our teachers Assisting at PTO-sponsored events Assisting your child with homework at home Assisting our main office staff Any other assistance that you or our staff can envision
Shifts Related to the Common Core State Standards Language Arts: more nonfiction, more complex texts, close reading, evidence within the text, writing to argue, research to present Mathematics: real-world problem solving, application of concepts, fluency and automaticity with facts, deep understanding, math practice standards (ex. make sense and persevere in solving problems)
What Else is New This Year? 5 Grade 2 classrooms (K back to 4 classes) High enrollment continues (50 new students this summer) Early-Release Tuesdays for Professional Learning – 15 of these – 1:55 dismissal – Afterschool Care – Rapid Notifications – 1:35 dismissal for parent/teacher conference days
School-Wide Events and Programs Conferences (September, December, March— see later slide) Summer Reading Recognition Assembly (yesterday) Grandparents and Special Friends Week (October 20-24) Holiday Shop (Friday, December 12; snow date TBD) Winter Concert (Tuesday, December 16)
School-Wide Events and Programs (continued) Writer-in-Residence (November 24-26; Grade 4 only) Author-in-Residence (TBD) Spring Concert (Thursday, May 7) Field Day (May/June) Celebration of Learning (Wednesday, May 27) School Spirit Day (Last Day of School)
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Protocols Please watch your speed! Drop-off is a quick one along sidewalk Pick-up is in cafeteria for K-4 (foyer for PreK) If student is on pick-up list, must be signed out Civility and calm need to be the mantras Please alert your child’s teacher and office with changes in status
Parent Teacher Conferences September: 2 days (optional) Parent or teacher may request Purpose: Informal opportunity to share information about the child December – 3 days Purpose: To review student progress March – 3 days (optional) Parent or teacher may request Purpose: To review student progress Consider: Standards-Based Reporting
Anna Reynolds Parent Teacher Organization Our PTO is the best! Meetings: first Tuesday of most months Website: What they do: – Organize events – Raise funds – Support our efforts to make the children’s experience better
Do you have any questions for me?
Thank you all for coming, and have a great year!
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Slide Title Product A Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Product B Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3