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Powered by New Leaders and Pearson Transform Principal Practice Evidence-based Research-based Lead So Students Can Soar Real Challenges Real Solutions Become an effective evaluator of principals
Why LeaderSet ™ ? Credible Complete Flexible Authentic Personalized
Why LeaderSet Now? Three Key Drivers Driven by an understanding that “…school leadership has a statistically significant relationship to student achievement.” Driven by Legislation, Policy & Reform. Driven by a national shift to the Common Core State Standards.
Evidence and Research Based Evidence New Leaders helps leaders transform their schools by changing practices centered on evaluation, observation and coaching. The effectiveness of the principles that they base their work upon is shown through field studies, and in their building and classroom work. Principal Effectiveness Research - New Leaders Urban Excellence Framework – New Leaders Playmakers: How Great Principals Build & Lead Great Teams of Teachers – New Leaders Summarizes the research of the Effective Practice Incentive Community Students in schools led by New Leaders-trained principals outperform similar students, an effect demonstrated across hundreds of New Leader schools.
Evidence and Research Based Research Stepping Stones: Principal Career Paths and School Outcomes Béteille, Demetra, Kalogrides, Loeb The School Principal as Leader The Wallace Foundation School Principals and School Performance Clark, Martorell, Rockoff The Relationship between Principal Characteristics, School-Level Teacher Quality and Turnover, and Student Achievement Fuller, Baker, Young School Leaders Matter: Measuring the Impact of Effective Principals Branch, Hanushek, Rivkin Learning About Teaching: Initial Findings from the Measures of Effective Teaching Project Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Develop Principal Leadership Practices Live Online & Self-paced Professional Development Courses Certify Principal Managers Principal Evaluation Skills Development & Certification How LeaderSet Fits a Systematic Approach to Principal Leadership Development Principal Manager Coaching Resources Certify Principal Managers Develop Principal Leadership Practices Plus, consider online professional learning and evaluation tools for leaders developed in partnership with: ASCD Dr. Robert Marzano Michael Fullan Lyle Kirtman
Principal Evaluation Skills Development & Certification Level-up leadership observation and coaching skills Strengthen principal evaluation and feedback skills to guide principal growth Learn to consistently and reliably evaluate principal performance Certify leadership evaluator readiness
Most districts don’t have a robust principal evaluation system Evaluation Process Professional Development F eedback Current stateDesired state In most districts evaluation process is a mere formality Evaluators only receive communication about deadlines and forms that need to be filled out Evaluators do not provide ongoing feedback and rarely conduct site visits to observe principals’ performance Evaluation process is a strategic part of district human capital strategy Evaluators conduct regular site visits, observe principals’ performance, and provide frequent and actionable feedback to principals Evaluators receive training on how to conduct meaningful school visits, how to provide feedback, and how to coach principals 9
The New Leaders Evaluation System is rigorous with clear performance levels and expectations The system is also simple and manageable so districts and evaluators are able to implement A simple but rigorous system LeaderSet offerings are focused on building capacity of principal managers so they can implement a robust evaluation system Training modules focused on evaluators Evaluator training has detailed instructions on: conducting purposeful school visits; best ways to gather evidence about principals’ performance; and, how to translate these steps into actionable feedback Detailed guidance on how to provide feedback LeaderSet™ addresses most of the current problems 10
AGENDA Day 1 –New Leaders principal evaluation model –Continuous development of principal practice –Standards and indicators Day 2 –Observation and data gathering –Guided and independent practice Day 3 –Independent practice –Actionable feedback –Certification PRINCIPAL EVALUATION SKILLS DEVELOPMENT
Certification Assessment Item Example
Live Online and Self-paced Professional Development Grow as a leader through online courses that blend live, facilitated sessions and self-guided sessions to enhance principal practice Cultivate the practical skills needed to be a strong instructional leader Learn from actual examples of leaders addressing the challenges they face every day
Resources for Principal Managers to Support Leadership Development Develop as a leader in implementing a new evaluation system effectively Establish a high level of trust with the principal through coaching Develop a deep understanding of the manager’s role in effectively supporting a principal throughout the evaluation and development process Relate leadership concepts and practices to the school context to transform principal practice Use proven coaching practices to support principal long-term growth following online professional development courses
New Leaders’ Principal Evaluation Rubric & LeaderSet ™ Online Learning Platform Drive thoughtful self-study using the research-based New Leaders’ rubric Explore specific examples of what to look for in assessing leadership Leverage an online educator effectiveness platform with online scoring to speed evaluation *Plus, consider other online professional learning and evaluation tools for leaders, including self-paced courses developed in partnership with: ASCD, Dr. Robert Marzano, Michael Fullan, and Lyle Kirtman.
Purchase Options
LeaderSet Components Principal Evaluation Skills Development & Certification F2F or Live Online Online or Paper-based Certification LeaderSet Principal PD Suite of 5 Fused Online Courses Leading Instructional Change to Meet Common Core Expectations Creating a School Culture Focused on College and Career Readiness Implementing a Data-Driven Instructional Culture Increasing Instructional Leadership Capacity Conducting Effective Classroom Observations and Delivering Actionable Feedback 3 Principal Orientation Modules illustrating what principal evaluators look for Includes access to New Leaders’ Effective Practice Incentive Community (EPIC) modules Online Learning Platform with Rubric New Leaders’ Leadership Evaluation Rubric Additional Leadership Evaluation & Online Professional Development Offerings from Industry Leaders Two Delivery Models District Cohort Model Large same-district cohort Up to 10 participants Small same-district cohort Up to 5 participants National Institute Model Individual participants from districts nationwide Principal Evaluation Skills Development and Principal PD Up to 25 participants per cohort Nationally or regionally scheduled
LeaderSet ™ Enhancement Bundles Developed with ASCD Time-limited, self directed topic-based training on single leadership issues Pearson Principal PD Library Knowledge base formed by experiences of highest gaining urban schools in New Leaders’ Effective Practice Incentive Community (EPIC) program [included FREE with Purchase of LeaderSet] New Leaders’ EPIC Online PD
LeaderSet ™ Bundle Options LeaderSet Principal – Single LeaderSet Single Course + Principal PD Library LeaderSet Principal – Suite LeaderSet Suite + Principal PD Library LeaderSet Evaluator - Single F2F Eval & Cert + LeaderSet Single Course + Principal PD Library LeaderSet Evaluator - Suite F2F Eval & Cert + LeaderSet Suite + Principal PD Library LeaderSet Online Evaluator - Suite Online Eval & Cert + LeaderSet Suite + Principal PD Library For Principals For Principal Evaluators & Principals
Features Evaluator Training Powered by practices shown to directly impact student outcomes Flexible professional learning - online, face to face, or a blended format LeaderSet is Unique Lead So Students Can Soar
LEADERSET.COM Get LeaderSet ™ Lead So Students Can Soar.