Choose your starting point – The state capital of Washington, Oregon, or California. Your ending point is Raleigh, NC. Travel between the dates of July 01- July 14
Find your Vehicle
List the states you plan on traveling through to get to Raleigh, NC.
States and Capitals US State5 State Capital US State Alabama Montgomery Montana Helena Alaska Juneau Nebraska Lincoln Arizona Phoenix Nevada Carson City Arkansas Little Rock New Hampshire Concord California Sacramento New Jersey Trenton Colorado Denver New Mexico Santa Fe Connecticut Hartford New York Albany Delaware Dover North Carolina Raleigh Florida Tallahassee North Dakota Bismarck Georgia Atlanta Ohio Columbus Hawaii Honolulu Oklahoma Oklahoma City Idaho Boise Oregon Salem Illinois Springfield Pennsylvania Harrisburg Indiana Indianapolis Rhode Island Providence Iowa Des Moines South Carolina Columbia Kansas Topeka South Dakota Pierre Kentucky Frankfort Tennessee Nashville Louisiana Baton Rouge Texas Austin Maine Augusta Utah Salt Lake City Maryland Annapolis Vermont Montpelier Massachusetts Boston Virginia Richmond Michigan Lansing Washington Olympia Minnesota St. Paul West Virginia Charleston Mississippi Jackson Wisconsin Madison Missouri Jefferson City Wyoming Cheyenne
http://www.mapquest.com/ https://maps.google.com/ To begin your journey, enter your beginning city and state and your destination city and state to gather mileage information.
http://www.tripadvisor.com OR Choose your 5 fun places to stop along the path you have chosen to drive. You can use these to help you. http://www.tripadvisor.com OR http://www.officialusa.com/imaps/usa-travel-map.html
Online Travel Agencies Use one of the travel sites below to find out how much it will cost to stay at a hotel per night in each city you sleep in. www.hotels.com www.orbitz.com www.choicehotels.com www.expedia.com www.travelocity.com/hotels/ www.kayak.com www.priceline.com/hotels/
****IMPORTANT*** You can only drive 9 ½ hours per day or 600 miles per day. If you drive 600 miles, it cannot take more than 9 ½ hours to travel that distance.
MORE RULES As you drive through a state, you must go through the state capital. You do not have to stop in the capital, but it must be on your route. You will be stopping at 5 (five) point of interest along the way. Get prices and information about your destination.
CALCULATIONS You may stay at any hotel or resort. You must document the cost. See if they offer a free breakfast with your stay. You have to pay for food. Document the money you spend for food. 3 meals per day, plus any snacks. Document how much each of your fun destinations cost and also a total of all of them. Find out the average highway gas mileage of the vehicle you choose to drive. Estimate $4.36 per gallon of fuel to get your cost total. Total your expenses of lodging, food, fun destinations, and gas.
Final Product An Excel spreadsheet with all your calculations and totals for your trip. A presentation showing all the places traveled A graphic organizer with mapped out traveled places that were visited and states A brochure or ad using Publisher to sell a customer on the trip. A bibliography page