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Presentation transcript:

Training and Education TAE10 Training and Education TAE10 TAESUS501A Analyse and apply sustainability skills to learning programs

Housekeeping mobile phones break times toilets emergencies © smallPRINT

Assessment A judgement of competence will be based on: participation and contribution in the workshop submitted responses to the learning activity questions completion of the assessment tasks nominated by the facilitator In most cases a practical demonstration of your skills will be required. You must provide sufficient evidence to show that you can perform the tasks relevant to this qualification in a variety of situations, to the necessary standard. © smallPRINT

Workshop overview In this workshop the following will be covered: definitions of sustainability relevance of sustainability skills in training packages different approaches to the inclusion in VET of sustainability skills contextualisation and customisation of learning and assessments to incorporate sustainability skills © smallPRINT

Packages and programs VET programs support industry based skills development. Recognition of the need for industries to develop green policies, practices and interactions with the environment, society and the economy have led to the inclusion of specific sustainability skills in training packages, qualifications, units of competency and accredited courses. this © smallPRINT

The COAG-endorsed Green Skills Agreement. Initiatives that support the development of suitable industry training packages, accredited courses and units of competency for industry include: The COAG-endorsed Green Skills Agreement. The Skills for the Carbon Challenge initiative. National Green Jobs Corps. Clean Energy and Other Skills Package 2011. The National VET Sector Sustainability Action Plan 2009-2012. Living Sustainably – the Australian Government’s National Action Plan for Education for Sustainability. © smallPRINT

Assessment activity © smallPRINT

Industry areas Trainers, facilitators, assessor and resource providers should investigate a range of research results, government initiatives and agreements. They need to identify current and emerging sustainability practices in relation to the industry sectors for which VET training will be delivered. © smallPRINT

Practices and issues for consideration could relate to: greenhouse gas - carbon production - climate change energy buildings transportation - fuel waste – greywater - chemicals communities - urban development water biodiversity - wildlife – forestry - habitat support government initiatives food and food production – farming – land care finite resources interactions with Third World countries tourism/ eco-tourism ©

Assessment activity © smallPRINT

Approaches To address environmental challenges people need to think broadly and understand systems, connections, patterns and causes. this © smallPRINT

Training practice Sustainability is a mindset – a way of thinking. Training and education programs will help learners understand sustainability, perceive the need for implementation of sustainability initiatives, and will help learners design and implement or comply with organisational sustainability procedures. © smallPRINT

Assessment activity © smallPRINT

Expertise VET trainers, assessors and resource providers might require information and advice from sustainability experts in order to: embed sustainability skills into training packages, programs and units of competency design and develop: special sustainability programs industry-specific unit of competence assessment activities that will meet individual and industry needs provide accurate and useful information to learners Barriers © smallPRINT

Assessment activity this © smallPRINT

A training specification can include: Trainers and assessors must be clear about the training specification/s relevant to delivery. A training specification can include: training package units of competency learning outcomes from accredited courses with a vocational outcome non-accredited industry specific learning programs and study units © smallPRINT

Assessment activity this © smallPRINT

Customisation Trainers, assessors and resource developers should customise learning materials and assessments to fit the relevant industry and employment conditions. Links to the appropriate sustainability skills should be identified and incorporated into the contextualisation process. © smallPRINT

Sustainability in VET The intention of embedding sustainability skills in packages, programs and units is to assist learners in: thinking, acting and making decisions systemically and holistically understanding the positive impacts they can make through lifestyle and work choices learning how to maximise positive impacts developing the skills to communicate sustainability issues to others and to collaborate effectively with a wide range of stakeholders developing the skills to enthuse and challenge others © smallPRINT

Learning programs Learning programs should be documented. Changes, adaptations or contextualisations must also be properly documented. This serves a number of purposes: so that the learning materials or assessment activities can be trialled and validated in order to utilise the same or similar adaptations and contextualisations in future learning programs to ensure that the support materials and assessments (tools, methods and instructions) are available for audit purposes © smallPRINT

Assessment activity this © smallPRINT

Assessment A judgement of competence for this unit will be based on evidence related to: workshop participation and contribution levels submitted responses to the learning activity questions completion of the final assessment tasks – questions and projects a practical demonstration of your skills any other tasks nominated by the assessor Time frames for completion of assessment tasks and for feedback will be negotiated with the assessor. © smallPRINT