Donegal Tech: Best Practice Do European Regions Network for the Application of Communications Technology Genoa 12 Nov 2012 Working Group 2 - inter-sector & inter- regional co-operation, promote triple helix cooperation among digital media enterprises, research and educational Institution and public policy makers
Project Aim: Transfer best practice between regions to help…… 1. ….Embed Digital Media into the "traditional" audio-visual sector. 2. ….."traditional" audio-visual sector diversify into emerging digital markets 3. …… regions to help create new business and jobs by exploiting media skills and changing business models in other markets and sectors 4. …..embed digital media technologies into traditional sectors 5. ESTABLISHING Digital Media SMEs
Aim & Objectives Aim: Transfer best practice between regions to help create new business and jobs by exploiting media skills and changing business models in other markets and sectors. Objectives: 1.Document best practice implemented by different regions to stimulate the digital media sector. 2.Adapt and transfer these best practices for use in other regions 3.Develop Action Plans, incorporating suitable best practices from other regions, to stimulate development of the digital media sector in each region. 4.Develop a Digital Media Observatory to disseminate project results to a wider European audience.
Health Care Green Energy Digital Tech. TourismFood Manufac turing Educat - ion Business Services West Romania xxxx Vaster’land xxx San Seb’n xxxxx Olomouc xxx Donegal xxxx Derry xxx Cantabria xxxxx Silver Economy Smart Specialisation Priorities Embed Digital & ICT
Health Care Green Energy Tour ism Food Manu Fact Educ ion Bus Serv Digital Tech. Digital Tech. == Other Sectors
Digital Innovation Digital Cluster Context Crossborder Development Sector Community, Natural & Built Environment Dynamics Outward Connections 3 rd Level Education & Training Tech Parks & Broadband
Digital Technology Graduates
Development Sector
Best Practice – TeamWorker TeamWorker is a website for staff from different organisations and regions working together as a team in the same project. Allows the team to plan, develop and carryout the joint project.
Description of Best Practice Specify the regions, organisations and staff members in the project Describe the project, its aims and objectives; as well as all contact and branding information Set-up the different teams that will work in the project Specify and monitor the project’s workplan Store and access documents used in the project Plan, manage and report the project’s events and meetings. Distribute project news to keep all organisations and staff.
core aims and objectives Aim: Provide an integrated web-based service to enable organisations from different regions to work effectively together across distance to develop and deliver joint projects. Objective: Provide a cohesive and integrated view of the project Improve the productivity of staff working on it.
operational details Service is running and hosted on ERNACT servers within the Government Network System (GNS) New projects and participating regions, partners and their staff can be added as required. The service can be presented to the user in her/his language of choice and there is scope to brand different projects.
new technologies The service is built using Microsoft Web Database Programming technologies.
transferable elements The method or approach. Mediatic partners could experiment with the service. but……needs to be documented
particular innovative elements The service is particularly strong in the way it assists projects to organise events including workshops, steering group meeting or routine project meetings. This was a deliberate design decision as events are important tools for knowledge exchange and decision-making and the overall staff effort and cost to properly plan, manage, conduct and report on project events is considerable – this is particularly the case with multi-partner and inter-regional meetings.
evidence of success Previous versions of Teamworker have been used for over 5 years Facilitating co-operation in projects between organisations working together on both an inter-sector and inter-regional basis. Included 7 projects, over 60 organisations and over 200 people. Has also included public authorities, universities and some private companies.
Colm Mc Colgan, General Manager ERNACT Network Unit 150, CoLab LYIT, Port Road Letterkenny Co. Donegal Ireland mobile: tel: web: Contact Information