Visions November 23, 2014 Feast of Christ the King
Cover Read together What are these passage about?
Gospel: Matthew 25: page 4 4 parts: Leader Narrator, Jesus, All Discuss Talk questions
“Catholic Social Teaching Helps Us Live the Works of Mercy” p. 5 Group Work Read p. 5 Outline The Seven Catholic Social Teachings
Aim: What are the Seven Catholic Social Teachings 1.The Human Person is Sacred made in the image and likeness of God Right to life is basic 2.The Human Person is Social Grow through care and friendship Families, communities, society 3.Rights and Responsibilities Rights = life, food, shelter, health care, education Responsibilities to see to it
4. Option for the Poor and Vulnerable Measure public policy on how well it affect poorest and most vulnerable Their needs before ours 5. Dignity of Work and Workers Rights Decent, productive work, and fair wage 6. Solidarity Responsible for all 7. Care for God’s Creation Interdependently, care for all of creation
“You Can Make the Difference” p. 7 Read the direction together Play the game in groups