2009 Ontology Summit Launch Event January 15, 2009 OntologySummit2009 is an initiative co-organized by NIST, Ontolog, NCOR, NCBO, OASIS, UN/CEFACT, OMG, ISO TC 184/SC4, STI International, … and supported by multiple communities and a growing list of co-sponsors.
Summit Objective To galvanize the ontology and standards communities by articulating the benefits each can bring to the other
3 This summit will address the intersection of two active communities, namely the information standards world, and the technical community of ontology and semantic technologies. This intersection is long overdue because each has much to offer the other. Ontologies represent the best efforts of the technical community to unambiguously capture the definitions and interrelationships of concepts in a variety of domains. Information standards are intended to provide unambiguous specifications of information, for the purpose of error- free access and exchange. If the standards community is indeed serious about specifying such information unambiguously to the best of its ability, then the use of ontologies as the vehicle for such specifications is the logical choice. OntologySummit2009: Toward Ontology-based Standards
4 Organization Organizing Committee Advisory Committee Co-organizers Co-sponsors Sub-topic Champions Roadmap/Communique Taskforce
5 Process January 15– Launch of on-line discussions on the Ontolog [ontology-summit] mail list Multiple threads Each thread is summarized on a dedicated wiki page by a champion Virtual Panel Discussions on the Ontolog Forum topics and dates to be advised (community driven) April 6-7 – Face-to-face meeting in Gaithersburg, MD Wrap up loose ends Prepare public position statement (Communiqué)
6 Discussion Threads Communiqué The most visible legacy we leave Background Compilation of existing ontological representations of standards, along with their associated definitions, conformance classes, testing suites and methodologies Outreach Organizations that should participate or be represented, e.g. NATO, ISO, OAGi, …
7 Discussion Threads Technical Discussion What is the role of an ontology in establishing a standard? What kind of constraints or rules [or standards] should be applied to ontologies that are used to establish a standard? What kinds of standards lend themselves to the use of ontologies as their representation? What ontological languages are best suited to represent standards? How can ontologies help to improve the use of existing standards? Strategic Vision and Roadmap Articulating a stretch vision, and the steps needed to get there. What do we think information standards are going to look like 20 years from now? Who are the movers to get us there? Who are the enablers and stakeholders? This is an environment where we can be bold, but we need to make sure we stay focused (on this year's theme).
8 Open Discussion Q & A – logistics, content, etc. what are you looking for in this year's Summit? what should we avoid? how? how do we get the word out? and get people involved? to you, what constitutes success? your input on how to make this Summit a success, in terms of how it could help advance the field of ontology, ontological engineering and semantic technology, and advocate their adoption into mainstream applications and international standards