CheckPoint ™ Number your paper from 1-7, write your name on it, and wait for further instructions. 1.Identify and explain the significance of the major.


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Presentation transcript:

CheckPoint ™ Number your paper from 1-7, write your name on it, and wait for further instructions. 1.Identify and explain the significance of the major battles, leaders, and events of the American Revolution [8.25]  Battle of Trenton and Princeton (Hessians and George Washington)  Battle of Saratoga (Benedict Arnold, French Alliance and Marquis de La Fayette)  Valley Forge (George Washington and Von Steuben)

2. Which Revolutionary War battle helped convince the French that the Americans could win causing them to enter the war? a. Bunker Hill b. Ticonderoga c. Saratoga d. Trenton 1.All of the following are reasons some American colonists remained loyal to Britain except? a.They felt that the American grievances were exaggerated b.They felt that the Americans could not win the war c.They wanted to keep their jobs/positions d.They did not think that George Washington was a good leader

3. How did France provide support for the American cause in the Revolutionary War? a. They sent Marquis Lafayette over to train soldiers b. They sent men, supplies, and a navy c. They negotiated a treaty with Britain d.They provided cannons for the siege of Boston 4.Which of the following is NOT one of the central ideas of the Declaration of Independence? a.People have the right to choose a new king b.People are born with certain rights that cannot be taken away c.People form governments to protect their rights d.If the government does not protect the rights of the people, they have a right to get rid of it

5. One of George Washington greatest challenges at Valley Forge was keeping… a. his spirits up b.the British from attacking his camp c. his troops entertained d. his army together 6.American victory along the banks of Lake Champlain that provided the large guns (cannons) used in the successful siege of Boston by Washington causing the British to leave? a.Lexington b.Saratoga c.Ticonderoga d.Bunker Hill

7. Match the following men with their best description? a. Commander of the Continental Army Frederick von Steuben b. Brilliant American military officer who would switch sides Marquis Lafayette c. Turned ragged Continental Army into a more discipline fighting force at Valley Forge George Washington d. Young French adventurer who offered his services to Washington during the war Benedict Arnold e. German mercenaries hired by Britain to fight in the colonies Hessians

CheckPoint ™ TIME IS UP. Put away your pencils and get a red pen. TIME IS UP. Put away your pencils and get a red pen.

2. Which Revolutionary War battle helped convince the French that the Americans could win causing them to enter the war? a. Bunker Hill b. Ticonderoga c. Saratoga d. Trenton 1.All of the following are reasons some American colonists remained loyal to Britain except? a.They felt that the American grievances were exaggerated b.They felt that the Americans could not win the war c.They wanted to keep their jobs/positions d.They did not think that George Washington was a good leader

3. How did France provide support for the American cause in the Revolutionary War? a. They sent Marquis Lafayette over to train soldiers b. They sent men, supplies, and a navy c. They negotiated a treaty with Britain d.They provided cannons for the siege of Boston 4.Which of the following is NOT one of the central ideas of the Declaration of Independence? a.People have the right to choose a new king b.People are born with certain rights that cannot be taken away c.People form governments to protect their rights d.If the government does not protect the rights of the people, they have a right to get rid of it

5. One of George Washington greatest challenges at Valley Forge was keeping… a. his spirits up b.the British from attacking his camp c. his troops entertained d. his army together 6.American victory along the banks of Lake Champlain that provided the large guns (cannons) used in the successful siege of Boston by Washington causing the British to leave? a.Lexington b.Saratoga c.Ticonderoga d.Bunker Hill

7. Match the following men with their best description? a. Commander of the Continental Army Frederick von Steuben b. Brilliant American military officer who would switch sides Marquis Lafayette c. Turned ragged Continental Army into a more discipline fighting force at Valley Forge George Washington d. Young French adventurer who offered his services to Washington during the war Benedict Arnold e. German mercenaries hired by Britain to fight in the colonies Hessians

American Revolution Part 2 TODAY’S LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1.Identify and explain the significance of the major battles, leaders, and events of the American Revolution [8.25] 1.The Battle of King’s Mountain 2.Battle of Yorktown 3.George Rogers Clark 4.Francis Marion INSTRUCTIONS: Turn you book to: Page 158: read Fighting in the West Page 162: read Hit-and-Run Tactics and American Successes Page 163: read Cornwallis Retreats Page : read Victory at Yorktown

1763 Proclamation Line 1764 The Sugar Act 1765 The Stamp Act 1766 The Declaratory Act 1767 The Townshend Acts Resentment and distrust Protest Organized protest and action Yeah, that’s right…you backed off Cont. organized protest and boycott

What significance did George Rogers Clark’s victory at Vincennes have on the American Revolution? 1.It secured the western frontier for the Americans by defeating the British and their Indian allies 2.Many Indians had sided with the British and wishing to see the Americans pushed away 3.The British took advantage and with their Native allies, attacked several western settlements 4.Virginia militia leader, George Rogers Clark was sent to defeat the British doing so at Vincennes, February 1779

How did the tactics employed by American leaders such as Francis Marion impact the war in the South? 1.Hit-and-run tactics (guerilla warfare) hindered the British southern campaign by attacking supplies and troops. The British could not keep control of their southern gains. 2.The British believed that the loyalist support in the south would play to their advantage but their tactics worked against them. 3.Francis Marion was a patriot leader in South Carolina who led several of these raids against the British. Given the name “Swamp Fox” by the British for his cunning

What impact did the American victory at King’s Mountain have on the American Revolution? 1.The American victory at King’s Mountain brought renewed support for the Patriot cause in the south 2.British actions and threats enraged the fiercely indep. mountain peoples of the western frontier (many from modern TN) 3.They formed their own militia and attacked a British Loyalist unit at King’s Mountain, SC in Sep 1780

What circumstances led to the American victory at Yorktown? 1.Cornwallis retreated to Virginia after a set of stunning defeats in the Carolinas. He gave up the southern campaign. 2.He encamped his army at Yorktown located along Virginia peninsula 3.He was soon surrounded by American and French forces (Lafayette) 4.After Washington received news that a French fleet was headed to Virginia, he secretly moved his army 200 miles in 15 days.

What circumstances led to the American victory at Yorktown? 5.Shortly, Washington had three patriot forces against the trapped British army at Yorktown 6.The French fleet formed a blockade of the only British escape route and prevented reinforcements 7.Washington lay siege to Yorktown for about three weeks, until Cornwallis realized that he could not win 8.Cornwallis surrendered his forces on October 19, This was the last major battle of the war.

REVIEW: American Revolution Part 2 TODAY’S LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1.Identify and explain the significance of the major battles, leaders, and events of the American Revolution [8.25] 1.The Battle of King’s Mountain 2.Battle of Yorktown 3.George Rogers Clark 4.Francis Marion TOMORROW: Checkpoint followed by unit test study day. Make sure you bring all of your OneSheets/Notes
