Clean Water Marco Alonso
Why do we need clean water? Why is water important? Why do we need clean water? Water is important because it is one of the 3 things humans and animals need to survive. Water is also important so that we can grow crops like corn and potatoes. Water is also important because we use it to take showers and clean things.
How is our water purified in NYC? How much water is used in NYC? In NYC we purify our water by cleansing used water. We store the clean water in tunnels, aqueducts and reservoirs to meet the daily needs of 8 million residents and many visitors. NYC uses 1 billion gallons EVERYDAY! Insert a new slide after this one with this image of the NYC's Water Supply system: Another slide with data on residential water use:
Residential Water Use Combined water and sewer rate in New York City is: $7.64 per 100 cubic feet of water* (07/01/10-06/30/11) National average indoor residential water use per day per person is: 60 - 70 gallons 50 - 75% of all residential water use occurs: In the bathroom A standard (pre-1980) toilet uses: 4.5 - 7.0 gallons per flush 1980's vintage toilet (1980 - 1992) uses: 3.5 gallons per flush A low-consumption toilet uses: 1.6 gallons per flush (or less) Displacement bags save: 0.6 gallons per flush Flush valve retrofit kits save: 1.0 - 1.5 gallons per flush The average faucet uses: 0.5 - 5 gallons per minute Faucet aerators reduce flow by: 1 gallon per minute Standard showerheads use: 4 - 7 gallons per minute Low-flow showerheads use: 2.5 gallons per minute (or less) A compact washing machine uses: 32 gallons per load (13+ gals/cubic foot) A standard domestic washing machine uses: 45 - 55 gallons per load (13+ gals/cubic foot) Water-efficient washing machines use: 20 - 25 gallons per load (8.0 - 9.5 gals/cubic foot) A dishwasher uses: 5 - 15 gallons per load *There are 748 gallons per 100 cubic feet (HCF) of water
Why is there a water shortage all over the world? The reason why there are water shortages around the world is because we ignore issues and now this made the amount of clean water decrease. some issues that we ignore are how we leave water running when they are not in use. Another issue that we ignore is flushing drugs down toilets which makes it even harder to clean the water. The amount of drinkable water on earth that is used from nature comes from lakes and rivers. This is only like 1 percent of the water on earth the rest of the water that is not drinkable comes from the ocean. What are the specific issues that are we ignoring? Also think about the difference in the type of water found in oceans vs. lakes and rivers - how much of drinkable water is really available?
How are world governments dealing with water shortage? World governments are dealing with this by constructing more tunnels and making us keep reusing water by cleansing and purifying it . They also get water from different countries from their rivers. More info needed This website will give you more information about the crisis and possible solutions
What can teenagers do to conserve water? Teenagers can do a lot to conserve water like not take it for granted. We can also make sure not to throw things into ponds, lakes or oceans. We can also make sure to use water only when needed.
Other cool facts about water... Gallons of water is used in car wash businesses. People through out the world are starting to use water from rain to feed plants. People in places like South Africa and India are just starting to get clean water closer to their homes thanks to organizations.
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