Bo Buzynski
Population in U.S. In 1850 less the 4000 Italians were counted in America. However, 1880 more then 44,000 were counted in America. About 20 years later, the population grew all the way up to 484,027. Now over 5 million.
Work Not a lot of land when they got here. Would not resort to prostitution for money and rarely would accept charity. Resorted to other jobs: –Shoe Shinning –Rag picking –Sewer cleaning –Other hard, dangerous jobs.
Living Conditions Most homes were over crowded and filthy. But later on homes dirtiness disappeared. A lot tried saving money by skimping on food. They were hard workers but not used to the new ways of living.
Reasons Why They Left Poverty –Population rose which caused less jobs, natural disasters ruined potatoes Overpopulation –Birth rate rose, Death rate fell Natural disasters –Destroyed crops or homes
Facts Italians were averaged to be the richest immigrants coming into America Italians brought pizza to America. They also brought Posta –Spaghetti –Lasagna