Led to the growth of the WEST- opened markets and trade in the WEST homesteadingCongress passed a law allowing people to claim public land and convert to private property though the process called homesteading HOMESTEAD ACT of 1862 – land being granted to settlers at little or no cost…led to a large population in the WEST after the 1860’s New immigrants pursued the AMERICAN DREAM USA changing from a RURAL (country) to a URBAN (city) society D A W E S A C T D A W E S A C T Indians were not friendlyThe Great Plains Indians were not friendly to the new settlers/immigrants the ASSIMILATION of American Indians WHITE/AMERICAN culture and society…in the long run it did not workThe Act provided for the ASSIMILATION of American Indians into WHITE/AMERICAN culture and society…in the long run it did not work
“How the Other Half Lives” JACOB RISS – documented the hard life of immigrants coming to America – “How the Other Half Lives” …..a primary source book of text and photos NEW IMMIGRANTS – MOVEMENT TO CITIES (URBANIZATION) Polluted Cities – increased urbanization New immigrants excluded from housing & employment Insufficient housing NATATIVSTS NATATIVSTS opposed new immigrants\immigration bad/unsuitable Health issues - bad/unsuitable sanitation/water/sewer facilities American Assimilation American Assimilation was expected…but ethnic communities were formed/developed
Growth of INDUSTRIALIZATION & the rise of POLITICAL MACHINES – BOSS SYSTEM (BOSS TWEED) Included the growth of BIG BUSINESS and PROGRESSIVE REFORM MOVEMENTS Political BOSSES rose to power by providing “FAVORS” such as housing and jobs, improving urban City infrastructure like housing & utilities PATRONAGE SPOILS SYSTEM POLITICAL CORRUPTION – “BIG Boss” system stopped through CIVIL SERVICE REFORM….citizens have to take test and compete to get City, State, Federal jobs ---- Pendleton Act established the Civil Service Commission – did away with PATRONAGE & the SPOILS SYSTEM. stopping MONOPOLIES Robber Barons\Captains of Industry The Federal Governments way of stopping MONOPOLIES by the Robber Barons\Captains of Industry and others in private business- SHERMAN ANTI-TRUST ACT
Join all processes of an industry under one Company…like steel/Andrew Carnegie Thomas EDISON – Electricity, mimeograph, Dictaphone, Motion Picture Carnegie Steel Refinery Rail Lines Raw Materials Limestone Quarries Iron Ore Fields Coal Mines Alexander G. Bell – the TELEPHONE
unemployment A lot of unemployment in California – West Coast low wages Those who did have jobs, were paid low wages CHINESE EXCLUSION ACT The CHINESE EXCLUSION ACT was in part because of NATIVISM
America’s workforce was not highly skilled in the 1800’s o Factories were unsafe o Protest were always happening – sometimes violent PROTEST resulting in death o Violence slowed down the growth of Labor Unions in the late 1800’s Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights are the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution –established to protect us from our Government. o You must know the following Amendments for the Final…..1,13,14,15,19,26 o Unalienable rights – rights we are born with as AMERICANS – life, liberty, pursuit of happiness o Popular Sovereignty –…….. let the people decide……... in government, our USA Federal government, by voting o Checks & Balances – prevents one branch of the government from becoming more powerful than the others o Separation of Powers Study & KNOW the following Facts of the Day for Success on the FINAL 4,8,9,10,13,14,15,22,23,25,26,27,28 & 29