BSP Kickoff July 14, Building Service Performance a new Environment – Process (E-P) Perspective July 14, 2008 BSP Kick-off Bob Smith, Ph.D. Tall Tree Labs Environmental Board & City Green Task Force Huntington Beach, CA
E-P Perspective Questions What does our charter mean by: –Frameworks? Meld E-P to Ontologs Summit #2 Dimensions Map –Built Environment? Referents, Reference Models, 5D, & BIM How can E-P become useful for discussing BSP pilot projects? –Express the deep structure and optimized values of existing regulation with open semantic tools & methods: –Connect, as a semantic broker, overlapping BSP domains with educational pilot projects linking NBIMS, Ontolog SOA-OOR, and BIMstorm related projects: –Do not waste prior lessons learned and reusable modules; Consider the Golden Standards from NIST SI –Prepare for democratic creativity post peak oil turbulence When start a conversation about BSP Pilots with –City Councils?, Chambers of Commerce? –Green Task Forces? Sierra Clubs?
Towards a BSP Framework Use E-P Dimensions from Ontolog Summit 2007
BSP Kickoff Built Environment Happens In a referent city where you live and work and shop: Apply Service Frameworks for High Level Abstraction
Unstructured Service Guidelines Gigantic Documents Begging for Abstraction by Framework Dimensions
Environmental Process Time (Pre BIM)
Pilots: London Live, Sierra Club Walk & HB Green Expo Scorecard
Questions? 1 2 3