2008 Ontology Summit Launch Event February 7, 2008 OntologySummit2008 is a joint NIST-Ontolog-NCOR initiative, supported by multiple communities and a growing list of co-sponsors. Homepage:
Summit Objective To reach consensus and build momentum around the vision of an Open Ontology Repository
3 The theme of the 2008 Ontology Summit is the vision of an Open Ontology Repository. This vision forms the basis of the Open Ontology Repository community, and this year's summit will support the effort to produce such a repository (or set of repositories) by serving as a venue - both virtual and face-to-face - in which many of the issues relating to the design, implementation, and ongoing use of an ontology repository can be discussed and ultimately resolved. In particular, these issues will include the themes of the 2006 and 2007 Ontology Summits (Upper Ontologies, and a framework for classification of ontologies, respectively), and this year's summit will thus also provide an opportunity to revisit the conclusions reached at those two prior meetings. OntologySummit2008: Toward an Open Ontology Repository
4 Organization (1) Organizing Committee – Mark Musen (NCOR, NCBO, Stanford-BMIR) Mark Musen – Leo Obrst (Ontolog, MITRE) Leo Obrst – Steve Ray (NIST) Steve Ray – Michelle Raymond (Honeywell) Michelle Raymond – Barry Smith (NCOR, SUNY-Buffalo) Barry Smith – Peter Yim (Ontolog, CIM3) Peter Yim
5 Organization (2) Advisory Committee (developing) Content Committee Michelle Raymond (chair) Michelle Raymond Leo Obrst Michael Gruninger Barry Smith Rex Brooks Pat Hayes Ravi Sharma Peter Yim Logistics Committee Steve Ray (chair) Steve Ray Peter Yim Ken Baclawski Carl Mattocks
6 Process Feb 7 – Launch of on-line discussions on the Ontolog [ontology-summit] mail list – Multiple threads – Each thread is summarized on a dedicated wiki page by a champion April – Face-to-face meeting in Gaithersburg, MD – Wrap up loose ends – Prepare public position statement (Communiqué)
7 Discussion Threads Communiqué and Mission Statement Synthesis by the Organizing Committee Ontology Repository Architecture Synthesis by Michelle Raymond and Ravi Sharma Ontology of Ontologies Synthesis by Michael Gruninger and Pat Hayes Quality / Gatekeeping Synthesis by Barry Smith (co-champion wanted) State of the Art Repository Work Synthesis by Frank Olken
8 Open Discussion Q & A – logistics, content, etc. what are you looking for in this year's Summit? what should we avoid? how? how do we get the word out? and get people involved? to you, what constitutes success? your input on how to make this Summit a success, in terms of how it could help advance the field of ontology, ontological engineering and semantic technology, and advocate their adoption into mainstream applications and international standards