WSP/ WSDOT MIT Program 2012 MIT Refresher Training.


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Presentation transcript:

WSP/ WSDOT MIT Program 2012 MIT Refresher Training

Major Incident Towing (MIT)  The MIT Program doubles the minimum heavy tow response to blocking truck collisions in congested areas and provides monetary incentives to authorized heavy tows operators who complete the recovery process within 90 minutes of being given a Notice to Proceed (NTP) by the WSP Primary Trooper on-scene  Doubling the minimum tow response to heavy truck involved collisions has proven an effective tool in reducing congestion and the number of secondary collisions

MIT Program History & Funding  The MIT pilot project was implemented in July 2007 in King, Pierce, and Snohomish Counties  In 2009 the program was expanded to include the rest of the I-5 corridor from Oregon to British Columbia, Canada  The WA Legislature provided $145,000 for the MIT program for the biennium or until the funds are expended

MIT Explained  WSP authorizes special MIT contracts with qualifying tow companies which require them to be en-route to major collisions involving CMV’s (>26K), Buses, etc. within 15 minutes during business hours or 30 minutes after hours  The WSP Primary on-scene should ensure the tow company is provided with the best route to the scene and All alternatives should be considered to ensure prompt arrival of the tows  Share pertinent recovery information – status of scene, type of vehicle & cargo, contact number for WSP Primary, etc.

When to use MIT  MIT should be used when more than one heavy tow trucks and/or additional equipment is needed to expedite clearing a blocked ramp or travel lane of a roadway  MIT is intended to focus primarily on the I-5 corridor, however, MIT may be used on any state or interstate highway in those corridors where a blocking heavy truck involved collision will cause, or is likely to cause, significant traffic congestion

MIT Response Requirements  MIT Contractors are required to be en-route with: –(2) Class C trucks, or –(1) Class C and (1) Class S1 rotator, or –combination thereof –within 15 minutes of notification during business hours or –within 30 minutes if notified after business hours –Tow companies are required to call Communications when they are en route.  Tow companies with only one qualifying tow may partner with other contracted and authorized MIT tow companies

Activating a MIT  A WSP District Tow Inspector, Sergeant or TIC with knowledge of the incident, can request Communications to activate a MIT.  A WSP District Tow Inspector, Sergeant or TIC with knowledge of the incident, can request Communications to activate a MIT.  A MIT may also be activated on other routes with approval of a District Duty Lieutenant, the District Commander or their designee.

MIT Activation Guide Cards

Incidents/collisions for MIT  The following incidents/situations may qualify for a MIT Activation:  Tractor/Trailer Combinations –Rollover or other collisions blocking a ramp or one or more travel lanes –Multiple truck collisions blocking a ramp or one or more travel lanes –Lost tandems or split trailer on or affecting a ramp or multiple travel lanes –Major impact with or on top of a median barrier wall, guard rail, or bridge support, etc.

Incidents/collisions for MIT (continued)  Trucks over 40,000 lbs. (i.e., lumber, sod, moving vans, etc.) –Rollover collisions blocking ramp or one or more travel lanes –Loss of load blocking ramp or one or more travel lanes –Major impact with or on top of a median barrier wall, guard rail, or bridge support  Busses (commercial/motor coach/motor homes) –Rollover blocking ramp or one or more travel lanes –Major impact with or on top of a median barrier wall, guard rail or bridge abutment  Other –Any other collision or incident deemed by the WSP/WSDOT as requiring the deployment of two or more heavy tow trucks

WSP Responsibilities The CAD log is the “Official” record/timekeeper for MIT activations Once a MIT has been activated, WSP Communications will notify their district WSDOT Traffic Management Center (TMC)to dispatch two Incident Response trucks to the scene (24/7)

WSP Responsibilities (continued) The WSP Primary on scene shall ensure that Communications is advised of the tow arrival on scene, all MIT clearance start and stop times and when all travel lanes are open MIT Start Time = Time on-scene WSP Primary Trooper gives Notice to Proceed (NTP) authorizing the tow to begin recoveryMIT Start Time = Time on-scene WSP Primary Trooper gives Notice to Proceed (NTP) authorizing the tow to begin recovery (It is the responsibility of the WSP Primary Trooper to advise Communications of the MIT Start Time) MIT Stop time = Time all traveled lanes are cleared of all wreckage/debris and are re-opened to trafficMIT Stop time = Time all traveled lanes are cleared of all wreckage/debris and are re-opened to traffic (WSP Primary Trooper advises communications) The 90 minute clock may be interrupted (stopped and re-started) due to investigation, HAZMAT, or other reasons not related to the recovery of the vehicle(s)The 90 minute clock may be interrupted (stopped and re-started) due to investigation, HAZMAT, or other reasons not related to the recovery of the vehicle(s) The on scene WSP Primary Trooper will advise Communications to start & stop the MIT Timer to ensure the tow company is not improperly penalizedThe on scene WSP Primary Trooper will advise Communications to start & stop the MIT Timer to ensure the tow company is not improperly penalized

Tower Responsibilities  Assign a lead operator to coordinate recovery operations with WSP Primary Trooper on-scene & WSDOT Incident Response Lead  Complete MIT Activation Form for each MIT activation  Document the scene with minimum of 5 digital photographs before & during recovery operations  Send original invoice, activation form, and digital photographs to WSDOT when eligible for incentive payment within 5 business days.  Follow instruction in MIT Program Handout

WSDOT Responsibilities  Send two IR trucks to all MIT Activations  Assist WSP with MIT program training, tracking and development  Assist WSP with on-scene traffic control and other resources /equipment as needed  Verify MIT start and stop time in the CAD log to confirm payment eligibility (audit trail)  Review, process, and authorize incentive payments to qualifying tow companies

MIT Activation WB 512 to SB I-5 Cargo: 38,000 lbs. Empty Wine Bottles Bill’s and Gene’s Towing (Partnership) (Structural integrity of trailer compromised, load had to be unloaded by hand) Start of incident to all lanes open = 2 hrs., 13 min Recovery time (all lanes open): 37 minutes Unload trailer: 4 ½ hours Total incident time: 7 hrs., 9 min Estimated Lane Blockage time saved: 4.5 to 5 hours

MIT Activation Summary  May be used for any Major Truck collision that significantly does or could impact traffic flow on a SR or Interstate  Requires (2) heavy tow trucks to be rolling within 15/30 minutes depending on the time of the activation  Once given the Notice to Proceed, tow operators must have all lanes cleared within 90 minutes to receive incentive payment.  WSP Primary Trooper or designee keeps Comm advised of MIT times of the recovery. Can start/stop MIT clock as needed.  Tow company must provide WSDOT with a completed MIT Activation report for EVERY MIT activation, whether successful or not successful. –Original invoice and digital photos are required for successful activations.

MIT Program Summary MIT Activations since Jul 2007 – Dec 2011 = 90 MIT Activations since Jul 2007 – Dec 2011 = 90 Met 90 Minute Clearance Goal Met 90 Minute Clearance Goal 73 Successful activations (S) 12 Unsuccessful activations (U) 5 Cancelled activations Average Clearance Time (S/U) = 69.8 minutes Average Clearance Time (S/U) = 69.8 minutes Amount expended = $189,994 Amount expended = $189,994