Referees and Their Duties Rocky Durham
Uniform The referee’s uniform consists of a short sleeved gray with black pinstripes or an event provided shirt common to all referees at that event. Full length black trousers, black belt (if trousers have belt loops), black socks and solid black wrestling/gym shoes.
The referee shall be neatly attired and have other accessories, including a colored disk, black lanyard and black whistle, red and green armbands and a kit to conduct random draw. The red armband shall be worn on left wrist and the green armband on right wrist.
– On matters of judgement, the referee shall have full control and decisions shall be final, based upon NFHS wrestling rules interpretations. The referee has the sole authority for ruling on infractions or irregularities not covered within the NFHS wrestling rules.
– Jurisdiction time of referee begins upon arrival at the site and concludes with the signing of scorebook for dual meets and when the referee signs the last bout sheet of a tournament.
Pre-Meet Duties – Inspect contestants for presence of oils or greasy substances on the body or uniform, rosin, objectionable pads, improper clothing, all jewelry, long fingernails, improper grooming, skin condition, health and safety measures; – Clarify rules upon request; – Have the head coach verify that team is groomed, properly equipped and ready to wrestle including shoelaces being secured;
– Review with the scorers and timekeeper signals and procedures to be used; – Meet with head coaches and captains and explain to them that they are to make certain everyone exhibits good sportsmanship throughout the contest.
The legality of all equipment shall be decided by the referee. A referee’s time-out shall be declared for the purpose of correcting legal equipment which becomes illegal or inoperative through use.
Only NFHS signals shall be used. The thumb is not to be used when signaling point(s).
When possible, award points on the edge of the mat before blowing whistle and signaling out of bounds.
Be firm and consistent when enforcing the rules. The referee must enforce penalties for infractions explained in Rule 7 and Rule 8 without hesitation.
Never use TV monitoring, replay or other video equipment in making decisions related to the match.
When penalizing either wrestler, use appropriate NFHS signals and be verbal so everyone is aware of penalty. Stop all potentially dangerous holds/maneuvers, if possible before they reach the dangerous state.
Positioning During injury, blood or recovery time-outs, be in a position to monitor clock and wrestlers. Notify coach and/or wrestler at the one minute mark and the 30 second mark as to the amount of time remaining.
Lastly, remember Rule 3-1 Article 12. The referee has the authority to rule promptly and in the spirit of good sportsmanship on any situation not specifically covered in the rules.