UNM IT Managed Workstations
Benefits of Managed Workstations Standard software with uniform configuration ensures end users have the same set of applications to allow for collaboration while reducing training needs and reduce downtime. Enterprise Apps (Banner, Lobotime, etc.) Guaranteed to work. Common requested software can be deployed faster and have greater compatibility than unique software & hand installs. SCCM and Casper remotely push patches and software. Devices will be secured to the University security standard to reduce the risk of virus, malware and system exploits. WSM Managed Symantec client. “Least privileged” access control. Aka no more Administrators.
Workstation Management Customers Customer departments pay per month per device. “FastPass” Priority ticket triage and troubleshooting. Primarily remote support, but on-site support if required. UNM IT OS image, access to UNM IT storage servers, managed printing, OneDrive and Lync support. Current Customers (approx. 500 computers) include: The President’s and Provost’s Office EVP Harris and Budget Staff ASUNM & GPSA Student Governments Equal Opportunity, LGBTQ, and Safety and Risk Services
Managing Windows Deployments I.Hardware Selection II.Imaging and Deployment III.Automated Delivery of Software and Updates IV. Software Self Service V. Identifying Problems and Trends in Production VI. Refreshing a Production Workstation
I. Hardware Selection Choosing the right hardware matters.
Cost savings Less hassle Expedited delivery via Smart Select Tested and approved Regular model updates Expedited hardware repair I. Hardware Selection
II. Imaging and Deployment Getting it out quickly.
How? Zero-touch device provisioning (imaging). Simple, fast, reliable. Separating third-party software from the OS. Delivering only what you need. Immediate delivery of current software, drivers and patches, minimizing attack vector.
III. Automated Delivery of Software and Updates So its deployed…. What now?
Staying current after deployment. Easily deploy new applications and application updates upon request. Maintaining a baseline and ensuring compliance. Collecting workstation data.
IV. Software Self Service Empowering users.
Reduced support hours. Delivering a consistent installation. After-hours availability. Controlling licensed software.
V. Identifying Problems and Trends in Production Shifting from reactive to proactive.
Monitoring software and update deployments. How many software deployments failed and why? How many computers didn’t install all Windows Updates? Hardware alerts. Hard drive S.M.A.R.T. status alerts. Computers running with less than 5GB free space. Real-time virus infection alerts. Getting ahead of a problem before it becomes widespread.
Compliance and inventory reports. What versions of Windows are deployed? How many computers have less than 8GB RAM? Asset reporting. How many computers are more than 3 years old?
VI. Refreshing a Production Workstation Warning: You have a VIRUS! Click HERE to remove for free.
Leveraging our inventoried data to re-install applications.
No need to migrate user data (in most cases). Minimal time and effort to re-image.
Mac Management using Casper/JSS Accomplishments in Imaging Computer PODS Yosemite Support
Inventory – Installed software
Inventory Licensed Software
Casper Self Service
Remote Administration
Policies and Smart Groups
Active Directory Integration Bash script Adheres to Group Membership Alias in Dock Enumerates User’s Home or H: drive too Eliminates drive mapping/guesswork
Questions? C. Lucas Gutierrez