Objectives 1.Students will learn about what defines a rainforest. 2.Students will learn about the environmental impact of eliminating rainforests. 3.Students will learn about what animals live in the rainforest. 4.Students will learn about the Indigenous people of the rainforest.
Begin by hitting on this address trips.org/sci/rainforesthttp: trips.org/sci/rainforest Start Field Trip in the top right corner. Click on Start Field Trip in the top right corner. As you travel through the rain forest, answer these questions on a sheet of notebook paper.
How many undiscovered species live in the rainforest?
In 1900 there were 1 million Indians. Today there are 200,000 Indians. Come up with a fraction demonstrating the number of Indians today as compared to the number of Indians in Choose three adjectives to describe the orangutan in the picture. List five places where you can find rain forests. What are the people that live in the rain forest called?
Go to chapter 2. Name three things the forest provides for the indigenous people. What is an emergent tree? What percentage of the rainforests’ nutrients are not found within the soil?
Over half the rain that falls on a tropical rain forest is water derived from where?
What is the world’s largest tropical rain forest?
Why are most of the plants in the rain forest so important to humans? What percentage of the earth does the rain forests cover? Change this number into a fraction.
The Amazon gets nine feet of rain each year. How many inches are in nine feet? How much rain do we get in Georgia a year?
Read the passage about iguanas and tell the main idea. How many birds reside in all three of these places: Carara Biological Reserve, Corcovado National Park, and Palo Verde National Park?
Give two examples of endangered species.
Where do the U’wa people live? Look on a world map. In what continent do you see Colombia? What are some of the strong spiritual beliefs of the U’wa culture?
Here we read that we need to reduce our oil consumption. What is one thing we use oil for? How can we reduce consumption?