BSD_Kimon_080506a Draft by Bob 1 Building Service Performance Workplan How might Deborahs Matrix relate with the BIMStorm Workflows and how relate to specific Use Cases? Building Service Performance (BSP Work Group) Slide Index #2-#8) 1.Deborahs Matrix of MasterFormat, UniFormat, OmniClass 2.BIMStorm Workflows and Data Flows between Agents (& Standards) 3.Early SemTalk rendition of a BIMStorm knowledge flow (Bob waiting on Deborahs expansions) 4.Bobs specific problem applying specific Environmental Assessment Framework to a City General Plan Element ( to 2014 AD plans for 2,100 residential units and unknown number of commercial-industrial units) set by the State and implemented thru the So. Calif. Assn of Govts (SCAG) 1.Water Availability 2.Fire Department Capacity 3.Electricity Capacity 4.Transportation & Traffic 5.Etc. 5.One Framework for integrating complex and grid-locked water planning efforts ( ) in State and in So. Calif. 6.Architectural Rendering of a radical shift in Land Use 7.State of Calif. HERS (Home Energy Rating Systems) data requirements discussion (NOTE: Calif. Does have a Climate Action Team Portal and is busy finalizing a Green Building Chapter with the Building Code Standards Commission
BSD_Kimon_080506a Draft by Bob 2 Deborahs Matrix showing Columns and Rows relating 3 Taxonomies to Building Elements
BSD_Kimon_080506a Draft by Bob 3