Dispersant Workgroup Update Jan 28 th, 2015 Marcia Combes EPA CDR Bo Stocklin, USCG
Current Status In process of formal Endangered Species Act Section 7 consultation with USFWS & NMFS. NMFS has raised concerns with, among other things: North Pacific Right Whales Short-Tailed Albatross Atypical dispersant use Dispersant Work Group (DWG) addressing each issue as it is raised. Waiting for Services to issue Biological Opinion (BO).
Road Ahead Our understanding is that all ARRT members (especially dispersant signatories) are still in concurrence with draft plan as it stands. As soon as BO is complete, DWG will develop mitigating strategies & incorporate into draft. Five Action Agencies will sign & publish. This will begin 24 month clock for subareas to designate any additional areas within their zones that should not be pre-authorized, and industry to come into compliance. Not currently expecting Subpart J revision (in progress) to impact this process.